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Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Replicating ClipStep in CHS
« on: October 21, 2006, 05:39 PM »
i would appreciate anyone posting a list of top features they want added
Export a clip in the format...
Name:  Content

If the clip contents were a number (say 287624)
And the clip were renamed as Access code

The result would be:
Access code287624

Better yet, make it an option to allow this kind of output for the contents of an entire CHS folder.

Living Room / Re: Windows Vista Pronunciation
« on: October 17, 2006, 05:28 PM »
The OED gives one definition of vista as:
An opening or passage-way.
Far be it from me to speculate on which might come to mind in the context of this thread...

General Software Discussion / Re: have you tried mind maps?
« on: October 16, 2006, 11:55 AM »
I find them a good way to diagram an issue that's just a little too complex to hold in wetware.
For me, they're useful for practiacl issues that need some organizational logic applied. As an example, I recently bought an investment property and 'mind-mapping' it quickly established the most time-effective and cost-effective sequences of steps between making a final offer and installing tenants.

Living Room / Re: Xerces Panic Error .... help ...
« on: October 15, 2006, 04:24 PM »
the nice thing about AdobePDF is that the PDF files are searchable
Sorry to see you've been having some hassle!
I couldn't agree more about the value of searchable PDFs.
I've noted the solution you found (rather you than I) and filed it away against the day...

no one has commented yet on my stylish use of recursion in the screenshot

Damn! Damn!   That's recursin' recursion!
How long did it take to do that that that that?

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