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Messages - cranioscopical [ switch to compact view ]

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Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Replicating ClipStep in CHS
« on: October 21, 2006, 05:39 PM »
i would appreciate anyone posting a list of top features they want added
Export a clip in the format...
Name:  Content

If the clip contents were a number (say 287624)
And the clip were renamed as Access code

The result would be:
Access code287624

Better yet, make it an option to allow this kind of output for the contents of an entire CHS folder.

Living Room / Re: Windows Vista Pronunciation
« on: October 17, 2006, 05:28 PM »
The OED gives one definition of vista as:
An opening or passage-way.
Far be it from me to speculate on which might come to mind in the context of this thread...

General Software Discussion / Re: have you tried mind maps?
« on: October 16, 2006, 11:55 AM »
I find them a good way to diagram an issue that's just a little too complex to hold in wetware.
For me, they're useful for practiacl issues that need some organizational logic applied. As an example, I recently bought an investment property and 'mind-mapping' it quickly established the most time-effective and cost-effective sequences of steps between making a final offer and installing tenants.

Living Room / Re: Xerces Panic Error .... help ...
« on: October 15, 2006, 04:24 PM »
the nice thing about AdobePDF is that the PDF files are searchable
Sorry to see you've been having some hassle!
I couldn't agree more about the value of searchable PDFs.
I've noted the solution you found (rather you than I) and filed it away against the day...

no one has commented yet on my stylish use of recursion in the screenshot

Damn! Damn!   That's recursin' recursion!
How long did it take to do that that that that?

When buying any product or service about which I'm less than a qualified expert I'll seek opinions from others who are better-qualified and whose judgement I trust.

The software reviews on DonationCoder enlarge the pool of well-informed opinion into which I can dip.  They save me time, and they inform me about items of which I may never have heard.
Comparative reviews are the more useful to me - and some of those here show an impressive amount of research - but monadic material can be informative, too.

Living Room / Re: Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)
« on: October 06, 2006, 09:38 AM »
Carol Haynes said...
not a figment of my imagination at all

In my day sums were simpler; a dollar was worth about five bob, so in the contemporary argot half-a-dollar was half-a-crown, therefore 1 x 1 = 1 -- imagine that!

Living Room / Re: Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)
« on: October 05, 2006, 07:47 PM »
It's awfully close to the current £UK/$US conversion rate... on the right day £199 *.53 gets you $199

Living Room / Re: Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)
« on: October 05, 2006, 02:13 PM »
Actually here is an American sum ...
199 X 0.53 = 199
can anyone guess what it is and where it applies ?

Easy, it's Q.3 from the [name-withheld leader-of-the-Western-world] IQ test (same as Q.1 and Q.2).
Typically, the answers to questions 1, 2, & 3 are averaged and ought to result in 63, should you asc.

Living Room / Re: Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)
« on: October 04, 2006, 10:50 PM »
Carol Haynes said about Xara:
I have always found it slightly odd that they price in dollars - especially being an exclusively UK company.
I figure they assume Americans can't do sums

I think that would be an unfair assumption on their part. I'm almost sure that, if I knew what sums were, I'd be able to do it some one...

Thanks for pointing out the link!

Living Room / Hooked!
« on: October 02, 2006, 07:13 PM »
Okay, when I joined DonationCoder I planned to take advantage of really cheap, really good software.
I never dreamt that this would become an insidious habit and land me in debt but, look, now I'm in the red!


I hear, and obey... You can now maximize it, but will still need to work manually for dual monitors.

Thanks very much! 
Judging from the interest, it looks as though your 'little application' will have to become a programming tour de force in order to satisfy all of our requests :)

General Software Discussion / Re: New App - Floating Ruler - Feedback?
« on: September 28, 2006, 04:37 AM »
FWIW dragging works on XP here (Pro,SP2,ATI Radeon).

It would be nice to have some sort of accelerater to extend the ruler lines rapidly (3200x1200 desktop).

you should eventually end up with a nice set of articles that will be worth reading. the extracted pages won't take up much room and they will almost scream at you for attention - so you'll read them. if they are worth keeping then hang on to them - they won't take up much room.

And, speaking from experience, you'll never look at the stuff in the folder, either.  So, put those pages through the document feeder on your scanner and create .pdf's of them... then throw out the folder and its contents.  It's easier to look up this stuff on your machine.

General Software Discussion / Re: IDEA: Colour matching wizard
« on: September 07, 2006, 11:22 PM »
This would seem to be the job of the monitor company to include some swatches...

As far as I can see, various players provide various pieces of the puzzle (Adobe offers a monitor calibration tool, Corel provided a colour card with which to calibrate scanners, etc.) but I've not seen a useful and comprehensible approach that tackles the whole issue. While this may be due to my own powers of comprehension being below norm, it's for just such an eventuality that I'd like a computer-based solution to take up the slack. :)

General Software Discussion / IDEA: Colour matching wizard
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:11 PM »
Setting up effective colour matching between monitor screen(s) and input/output devices seems to be a hit-and-miss, not to mention tedious business.

Microsoft's 'Color' control-panel applet doesn't seem too useful.

Current software approaches don't appear to offer a good link between screen calibration and, say, printer output... or between camera input, monitor, and printer.

Computers are meant to resolve tedious issues for us.

How about some kind of wizard-based approach to getting the best match between devices -- from start to finish -- without using hardware tools such as a colorimeter or densitometer? Can this be done, given that so many different input/output devices exist?

Site/Forum Features / Re: A dilemna regarding affiliate fees
« on: September 05, 2006, 04:17 PM »
Leave things as they are.
I respectfully suggest that any other course can be inferred to be the very compromise that you are unwilling to make.

Living Room / Re: inline search highlighting in word?
« on: August 22, 2006, 04:20 PM »
My 2003 produces an option to Fina All in response to Ctrl-F

When looking at the new programming languages, sometimes i feel like i'm alone in the wilderness in advocating for verbosity and the value of longer and clearer code...maybe it's time for me to dig up my plans on a language whose primary design principle was clarity and readability and unambiguity.


Is it (will it be) possible to rename, or nickname, a clipboard item?

If so, could you give consideration to providing a mechanism to print out the nickname and the contents of that item as a linked pair?

So, if #443267 went to the clipboad from, say, my editor
and its title became
'25/06/2006 (KEDIT for Windows)'

It's title could be changed to, say, 'Wine cellar entry code'

And a subsequent request to print (in special form) that entry would result in
Wine cellar entry code #443267

In a perfect world there would be a mechanism to print out the contents of an entire virtual folder in this format, in one operation.

Thanks for your attention.

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