Messages - AEngineer [ switch to compact view ]

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Official Announcements / Re: The Gizmo Effect!
« on: April 22, 2007, 11:42 AM »
I've been a supporter of both Gizmo and DC for a while.  Both continue the spirit that I remember happily of the original Computer Clubs in which members helped each other, with usually a lead person of both marked technical competence and integrity.  My thanks to both of you.  It's splendid.

Jim Mitchell

Word Processor Roundup / Re: Outlining
« on: February 14, 2007, 03:31 PM »
If I had to use only one it would be (amazingly enough) MS Word.

I too have experimented with many, many outliners over the years.  Here's my current usage pattern:

For developing Ideas - Treepad Plus

For refining, formatting and presenting - MS Word

You can buy a nice converter to change Treepad Outlines into Word outlines - the developer actually tailored it to my request.
ABC Amber Treepad Converter $20

There's a good free converter to go from word to Treepad also

Word Processor Roundup / Re: Outlining
« on: February 09, 2007, 07:28 AM »
There's a good discussion in Wikipedia

Word Processor Roundup / Outlining
« on: February 08, 2007, 06:54 PM »
One feature that is key to some of us is outlining.  I would gladly switch to OpenOffice, but its capabilities in that area are so poor that I cannot conceive of working effectively.  I therefore unhappily stick with Word.  I'd be curious if any of the other WPs have capabilities to Word.  None that I've looked at over the years come close.

Jim Mitchell

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