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Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:06 AM »
Hi - that's an old alpha version you have there, that needs to be updated quite urgently.

You can always find the latest build here!

Somewhere I missed the referral over to the other topic.  My mistake.

You might want to disable the link in the OP HERE!! and put a link to the other topic so people don't stumble here and get the wrong one.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 10:45 AM »
Huh, I am getting a popup message on startup that v....81 is expired, but 81 is the version in the Original Post (OP).


Does this do an internet version check at startup?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:27 PM »
See Reply #2.
The issue is how to handle replacement when the misspelling is also a valid word, like form  when from is intended.  How about letting the replacement happen, but if any change is made to the replaced text after that, let it stand?

In other words. a sequence like this: FORM is typed, it's replaced by FROM, user backspaces to the F and adds the ORM<space> and Auspex lets it stay as FROM.

User could even store the placement text as, maybe, FROM ## and delete the delimiter.  That way, it would "catch your eye" when it happened so you would not type on past an accidental replacement when you didn't intend it.  That way, you wouldn't be left with something like, "Fill out the from and mail it to..."

Another one like this I want to handle is 'hoe' instead of 'how', but I rarely type 'hoe', so a standard replacement should be OK for that one.

This is the only way I can figure to to this, but I don't how hard it would be to code that behavior.  Maybe something like--

IF replacement and backspace, turn off replacement until the next space or punctuation occurs.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:36 PM »
timns, I really think you are on the way to having the top-notch utility of this ilk.  Most impressive.

My prime candidate for fix is getting the icon out of the task bar when it is closed.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:09 PM »
Anybody good enough in coding to process the list at the link into an importable Auspex file?

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