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T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:41 PM »
Ah, hadn't seen the custom format field, even though it is right there in front of me! 

?Where is a list of the mnemonic codes that can be used in it...

like (made up examples) mm comes out 09, m comes out 9, MMM comes out SEPT, Mmm comes out Sept, etc

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:41 PM »
Hi, just installed it in Windows 7 and it looks really excellent.

If you are open to suggestions,

a. option for a comma after the date would be good

b. option for an "A" and "P" in addition to "AM", "PM" for 12-hour mode would also be good  (make width narrower)

c. if time < 10 (1 to 9) in 12-hour mode, do not show the leading zero; do show it in 24 mode, as in 0455; colon not needed in 24 mode--also shortens the width.

Not critical; just ideas (nice ones if I do say so myself..... :) )

Do you have a donation link somewhere?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 02:52 PM »
...Can you show me where please? I simply do not see it. Any chance you have an older, cached page?

In the first post of this very thread.


Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 12:54 PM »
...Yes I just did that very thing, thank you. I wasn't even aware you could still get to that ol' build 81.  :o

No problem...if it can be messeed up, just put it in front of me; I will oblige!  :)

The program "icon" remaining in the task bar still is an obstinate issue;  that has been around since the alpha.

LATER:  ummmm... I just tried the old link in post 1 and it still worked.  I would make that link point nowhere, put a strikethrough on the whole line, and right below it put a sentence/link to the right place.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:10 AM »
OK, I just put in the, and have the same issue of taskbar entry that will not go away.  Vista Home Premium.

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