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T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: September 13, 2014, 10:04 AM »
Power, at one point you advocate for fewer clicks, then you say to put some things in a submenu--which would add clicks!

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:20 PM »
Wait... The MORE button in that window lets you run it anyway.  I did and it seems to install  AND I HAVE BLACK TEXT....YAHOO!

LATER--worked with it a few minutes and I LOVE it.  Now can see it in Windows 8.1.

Question: the three selectable black colors that have writing in them...what are the differences between them?

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:17 PM »
Installed in Windows 8.1, and got a block from the OS.. See image

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:35 PM »
...What color does your windows clock use btw? Is it still white or also black?

Black and tiny size.  But that is due to theme I installed (uxstyle and employing Aero 8.1 Rounded Default from deviantart) eliminate the WHITE font hard coded by Redmond in Windows 8.1. with no inside OS way to change it. Not sure the size is style controlled--if it is, I sure wish I knew how to edit it.

That's the two problems even using the style: Although I got the black color, all taskbar font is balck but tiny, and I cannot see the date part unless I use the double height taskbar; no to that.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:28 AM »
Ah, thanks very much for that explanation.
Can I bribe you to put it way high on your todo list (I really miss having the date there)?  :)

From a personal standpoint, I will be happy so long as I can have black and get it to be large (eyesight issues).

Oh, an aside...I found that you can do some adjusting within Windows 8.1 in the Region>Additional Settings>[Time | Date]. Wonder who put time adjustments in the 'Region' dialog?

But time and date are completely separate--you cannot make the display into one string.  I tried to do "d-MM, h:mm tt" in the time spec (since with the narrow bar, all I see is the time showing), but it would not accept date specs in the Time tab.  So all I can get is the time to show, due to having the narrowest taskbar, which causes date to not show.  It is in unreadably small size anyway, so even if date were there naturally, I could not read it easily.

I also wonder if they copied Tclock.  I wonder because of the "tt' to include AM pr PM.  "tt" does not seem to be an intuitive variable spec.

Lastly, where do I watch to see when the modified version is posted?

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