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T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:15 PM »

Thanks much for the A, P, a, p !  I have it on mine right now!
m/dd, h:nntt

Here is a real non critical one that just hit me...think about being able to open the help file from either the rt click menu or from inside properties (a Help tab or a link inside About?)  or it could be a link to the file as a page on your site.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 07, 2011, 01:59 PM »
I have build 90.  It -IS- in there.  So, you don't have to split it with already have it covered.

This utility is just amazing.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 07, 2011, 12:56 PM »
Configurable mouse click options are on T-Clock Properties->Mouse Tab (Calendar option is among them) :) I usually use copy custom timestamp to clipboard for single left click, and then pop the calendar with a double left click, but that's (why it's configurable) up to you.  In the currently available build the middle button actions are broken, but that will be fixed in the next release build.

I just can't get ahead of you, can I?   ;D

Ok, about a click anywhere else closes calendar!

So there!

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:34 AM »

Ah, another suggestion...left click on it pop up a small calendar.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 06, 2011, 03:21 PM »
While a proper help file is still in the "Planning Stage"... The currently available Custom Format option are listed in the T-Clock Help.rtf file that was included in the download.

Ah, yes there it is.  I did look for help, but in the interface menu and in Properties.
I will be using m/d, h:mm
'cause I like it to be as narrow as possible.  If you get A and P as options, I will put that in, but usually I know if it is light outside or not!

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:41 PM »
Ah, hadn't seen the custom format field, even though it is right there in front of me! 

?Where is a list of the mnemonic codes that can be used in it...

like (made up examples) mm comes out 09, m comes out 9, MMM comes out SEPT, Mmm comes out Sept, etc

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:41 PM »
Hi, just installed it in Windows 7 and it looks really excellent.

If you are open to suggestions,

a. option for a comma after the date would be good

b. option for an "A" and "P" in addition to "AM", "PM" for 12-hour mode would also be good  (make width narrower)

c. if time < 10 (1 to 9) in 12-hour mode, do not show the leading zero; do show it in 24 mode, as in 0455; colon not needed in 24 mode--also shortens the width.

Not critical; just ideas (nice ones if I do say so myself..... :) )

Do you have a donation link somewhere?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 02:52 PM »
...Can you show me where please? I simply do not see it. Any chance you have an older, cached page?

In the first post of this very thread.


Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 12:54 PM »
...Yes I just did that very thing, thank you. I wasn't even aware you could still get to that ol' build 81.  :o

No problem...if it can be messeed up, just put it in front of me; I will oblige!  :)

The program "icon" remaining in the task bar still is an obstinate issue;  that has been around since the alpha.

LATER:  ummmm... I just tried the old link in post 1 and it still worked.  I would make that link point nowhere, put a strikethrough on the whole line, and right below it put a sentence/link to the right place.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:10 AM »
OK, I just put in the, and have the same issue of taskbar entry that will not go away.  Vista Home Premium.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:06 AM »
Hi - that's an old alpha version you have there, that needs to be updated quite urgently.

You can always find the latest build here!

Somewhere I missed the referral over to the other topic.  My mistake.

You might want to disable the link in the OP HERE!! and put a link to the other topic so people don't stumble here and get the wrong one.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: March 03, 2011, 10:45 AM »
Huh, I am getting a popup message on startup that v....81 is expired, but 81 is the version in the Original Post (OP).


Does this do an internet version check at startup?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:27 PM »
See Reply #2.
The issue is how to handle replacement when the misspelling is also a valid word, like form  when from is intended.  How about letting the replacement happen, but if any change is made to the replaced text after that, let it stand?

In other words. a sequence like this: FORM is typed, it's replaced by FROM, user backspaces to the F and adds the ORM<space> and Auspex lets it stay as FROM.

User could even store the placement text as, maybe, FROM ## and delete the delimiter.  That way, it would "catch your eye" when it happened so you would not type on past an accidental replacement when you didn't intend it.  That way, you wouldn't be left with something like, "Fill out the from and mail it to..."

Another one like this I want to handle is 'hoe' instead of 'how', but I rarely type 'hoe', so a standard replacement should be OK for that one.

This is the only way I can figure to to this, but I don't how hard it would be to code that behavior.  Maybe something like--

IF replacement and backspace, turn off replacement until the next space or punctuation occurs.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:36 PM »
timns, I really think you are on the way to having the top-notch utility of this ilk.  Most impressive.

My prime candidate for fix is getting the icon out of the task bar when it is closed.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:09 PM »
Anybody good enough in coding to process the list at the link into an importable Auspex file?


Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:05 PM »
...(I must get rid of this test medical dictionary. Every time I type 'pos' I get 'posterior')

Now that's funny! At least it wasn't 'piece of _____'

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:18 PM »
Is there a download point for the most recent version other than the first post in this thread?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:49 PM »
That seems to be a good thing to do (make it switchable).  But recognize I don't know what I am talking about!  :)  since I am a newbie to this.  I don't know how the clipboard is used with Auspex, or how it could be used if I did xxxx.

Here's a new one:  I enter a new replacement, click refresh, click "x" upper right.  It doesn't close--does nothing.

and I saw earlier you are aware that it hangs around on the taskbar.

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:12 PM »
Since we are just chatting, here's another thing...I just was in Excel and tried to copy/paste one cell to another.  I received popup dialog saying "Cannot open clipboard: access is denied."  It had the title bar of the window.

Messing around, I was able to do it.  Just tried again; got the popup again.  Does Auspex inhibit other program's use of the clipboard?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:21 PM »
OK, the refresh button made the changes "take" immediately-- it is the "Save" button.  I just didn't know what that was/did.  New to this really neat utility, ya know!

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:46 PM »
Ah on erase trigger--makes sense and could be handy, as you show.

I notice that I have to exit and restart after entering a new mnemonic.  That is no problem, and I guess it make sense, but, as a very low priority enhancement, you might want to add a SAVE button to avoid having to do that.

I did add a f r m replacment; now, to see if I can remember to type it that way.

Oh, is there any way to transfer the Word autocorrect list into Auspex?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:17 PM »
OK, I got the T E H thing to work (can't type t e h anymore as it gets replaced!) :).  Don't know what was happening, but it would not take any typing in the replacement box.  I did a paste into it instead, and that worked.  Later, I observed it WAS taking direct typing into the box.  I don't know exactly what the sequence of things was, but definitely, it did not take direct typing when first tried--and there was a beep on some of the keystrokes.

What does the check-box Erase Trigger on/off do?

Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:19 AM »
I just came across this, and think it sounds absolutely wonderful.  I am having a bit of difficulty seeing how to "make it start working."

For example, if I want it to ALWAYS replace "teh<space>" with "the<space>", exactly how do I do that?

And how would I handle this:  I want it to replace "form<space>" with "from<space>", but also allow me to change it back to "form<space>" in those cases where that IS the intended word.  I type 'from' many times more than 'form' and often misspell it.

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