FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Post your FARR v2 Plugin Idea Requests Here - Plugin Writers Read In
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:39 PM »
Here's my suggestion for a plugin. I've used the search and cannot find anything like this: a plugin to search the Windows registry.
It could work something like this:
reg <keywords>
reg hkcr <keywords>
reg hklm <keywords>
reg hku <keywords>
reg hkcc <keywords>
ie. either search all of registry, or specified branch (hkey_classes_root, hkey_current_user, hkey_local_machine, hkey_users, hkey_current_config)
It could display keys like FARR currently does folders and values like FARR does files, with the value type if possible (reg_sz, reg_binary, reg_dword, reg_qword, reg_expand_sz, reg_multi_sz).
Selecting a search result would open regedit.exe and jump to the selected key/value. I've used registry searchers in the past that did this, but wouldn't it be cool if you could do this from FARR?
Thanks for reading.
It could work something like this:
reg <keywords>
reg hkcr <keywords>
reg hklm <keywords>
reg hku <keywords>
reg hkcc <keywords>
ie. either search all of registry, or specified branch (hkey_classes_root, hkey_current_user, hkey_local_machine, hkey_users, hkey_current_config)
It could display keys like FARR currently does folders and values like FARR does files, with the value type if possible (reg_sz, reg_binary, reg_dword, reg_qword, reg_expand_sz, reg_multi_sz).
Selecting a search result would open regedit.exe and jump to the selected key/value. I've used registry searchers in the past that did this, but wouldn't it be cool if you could do this from FARR?

Thanks for reading.