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Activation/License/Language Help / Licence Key e mail address
« on: March 09, 2009, 04:28 AM »
My Licence key e mail address has changed!

On my Profile it's my new one, but on the about window of FARR it reflects my old one. Is that why I'm having trouble with auto update? Although I don't see a connection...


Find And Run Robot / Updater Not Working
« on: March 08, 2009, 12:50 AM »
FARR's updater is not working, and when I do a manual check it says my version 2.45 is the latest when it isn't?


Coding Snacks / Create Multiple Empty Numbered Folders
« on: January 09, 2009, 04:04 AM »
Is there any way to create about 150 numbered folders quickly?

Thanks..... :tellme:

Coding Snacks / Sticky Keys Ahk request
« on: December 08, 2008, 08:20 AM »
Can someone pleeeeeze make me an AHK script to tell me if If my Sticky Keys 'disappear' and are not running!

I spend a few frustrating minutes before I realize they're gone!!

Thanks in Advance?  ;)

Coding Snacks / Docs and Settings Deletion Warning
« on: October 05, 2008, 08:40 AM »
Is there any way to have a small app to warn you if files are being deleted from Docs and Settings Folder?

I was uninstalling Super Flexible (thru Total Uninstall) so I could do a clean install after some problems, and only realised after some time had passed, that it had deleted thousands of my settings files (obviously a 'glitch')and I couldn't restore from Bin as I had not emptied it day before!

Fortunately, I dived into an Acronis Image and 'rescued' files.

I realise files change in there constantly in the normal course of events, but would be handy to know if necessary!

Thanks CleverCat    :)

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