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Living Room / Best Roku channels?
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:40 PM »
I've had it [1], I'm cutting the cord and switching to Roku. We've had conversations here before about the best Android apps, etc. Roku has a similar thing they call "channels", which are mostly portals to VoD content or livestreams, but are also sometimes apps.

So, for any other Roku users out there, what are your favorite channels?

[1] I've been a DirecTV subscriber since they started, but we're not able to use it in the new house. We're now using TWC, but their prices are much higher than they originally lead you to believe, their customer service's badness is the stuff of legend, and their DVR boxes are poor and have intentionally crippled functionality.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: 10/24/13 Abbyy PDF Transformer 3.0
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:57 PM »
I think this tool is the best of its class.

For very simple PDFs, there are other tools that are able to extract data directly from the PDF, and that can work very well. But when the PDF gets complex, or -god forbid - it's actually just images, those other files start to fail spectacularly. This tool works on even the worst PDFs.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Package Tracker
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:25 PM »
Recommended for Android is the app Slice.

This thing will watch your gmail for shipping notices from most sellers, and automatically watch the shipment tracking, showing you a notice when it goes out for delivery and when it gets delivered.

Replacing a DC is no problem really, just build a fresh server and run dcpromo to make the new one and then dcpromo the old one to remove it.  Just make sure to have DNS installed on the new box before promotion and point it to the old one for DNS, then when the new DC is happy (always seems to take an extra reboot for me) point everything to it for DNS instead before decommissioning the old one. 

So now you've got to understand DNS, too, including how to properly configure your own domain, and how this interrelates with ActiveDirectory -- it's not as easy as just pointing to your ISP's DNS. And this is the part that I was never able to get to work properly (this may have been complicated by the fact that I own my own domain name as well, I use that for my email address, so I needed to be able to get name resolution to hosting provider's mail server that has my domain name).

I actually thought NT4 domains were simpler. Back then, you had a PDC and some set of BDCs, and it was perfectly clear which was which. So to replace an old PDC, you'd just bring up a new BDC, get him acquainted with the old PDC, and then promote him.

Active Directory has only two states of being, DNS is configured and working properly, and shit hit the fan


That is the thing. Getting it set up and running and normal isn't a big deal. But wait until 5 years down the road, when that machine's dying and you need to get a new DC handling the domain. I know this is possible -- corporations do it all the time -- but I've been completely unsuccessful in figuring out how to completely replace a DC.

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