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I believe you can get to what you're trying to do by using XYplorer (the Windows Explorer replacement). This has a means of adding to the displayed file list various file attributes, including what it can pull from ID3 tags of audio files, or EXIF tags in images. Once you've got them displayed with the track length, there's a function for outputting the directory list as a "report" into a file. So if you do this for both directories, using the same sort sequence, and then diff the two files (using a tool like WinMerge).

One possible hole in this is that I'm not sure if it's able to read opus files.

If the details of the above don't work out for you, maybe try MultipleImageResizer.Net. It's pretty flexible about how it names and places the resized files, and offers a choice of algorithms (you'll want Lanczos for the best quality, probably).

Living Room / Re: Arizona sunsets
« on: March 21, 2017, 01:02 PM »
Does it have to be Arizona? Here's sunrise in Rocky Mountain National Park:
Rocky Mountain Sunrise.jpg

Does it have to be the sun setting? Here's the moon setting, also at RMNP:
Aspen Moonset.jpg

General Software Discussion / Announcing SpaceMan, my new Alexa skill
« on: January 22, 2017, 01:19 PM »
I've just published my first Alexa skill. If you've got an Alexa Echo device, and have any interest in space exploration, I think you'll find it interesting.

Spaceman is a free app for your Amazon Alexa device. I created it because I've always had a deep interest in space exploration, and building a way to keep informed of news in this area, and even inspire curiosity, seemed a good exercise for me to teach myself the technology behind Amazon Alexa and AWS Lambda functions.

It currently provides information to you about:

  • Phase of the moon
  • Scheduled rocket launches anywhere in the world, both past and future
  • Asteroids and other objects passing close to the Earth, for dates you request

To get a quick overview of the current news, just say

Alexa, ask Spaceman what's up?

But Spaceman also understands dates, so you can ask about other days you're interested in

  • Alexa, ask Spaceman what's up tomorrow?
  • Alexa, ask Spaceman what's up next Tuesday?
  • Alexa, ask Spaceman what happened yesterday?

Date ranges will work as well. And it can be future or past

  • Alexa, ask Spaceman what happened between January 1 2017 and January 10 2017?
  • Alexa, ask Spaceman what's happening from today to Friday?

Typical output is like (spoken, of course)
News for Saturday, January 21, 2017
This is a waning crescent moon.
Date: Saturday, January 21, 2017 12:42 AM
Status: Success
Name: Atlas V 401 | SBIRS GEO-4 (SBIRS GEO Flight 3)
Location: Cape Canaveral, FL, USA
8 objects are passing near the Earth. None of them are potentially hazardous.
The nearest will pass by us at a distance of 26.7 times the distance to the moon. It will be traveling about 9 thousand miles per hour, and have a diameter between 48 and 107 feet.
More information is available at

You can get the skill from here:

More info about it here:

N.A.N.Y. 2017 / Re: NANY 2017 Release : Mouse Shake Menu
« on: January 18, 2017, 05:08 PM »
I'm enjoying this program. It's got what so many lack these days: simple, straightforward, focused on doing one thing competently.

But I've got one suggestion that I think would be a big improvement. With multiple monitors on my desktop, I've got a good chance that when I do the mouse shake thing, this program pops up on a different monitor, which is rather annoying. Could you make sure that it pops up on the same monitor as the window I've selected?

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