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Living Room / Re: Is the new Zune upgrade really an upgrade?
« on: November 15, 2007, 06:33 PM »
Just to be clear: you're talking about the software upgrade?  Not the whole new Zune 2 gadget, right?
Well, I'm talking about it from the perspective of someone upgrading an 1Gen device, but the same things apply, mostly. AFAIK, the only additional benefits to the 2Gen device are
  • Nifty controller thing
  • Ability to play H.264 video
  • No poopy brown color
On the other hand, as I noted, the new device has no equalizer.

So either as an upgrade or a new purchase, I'm having trouble seeing it as an upgrade. More of a sidegrade.

Living Room / Is the new Zune upgrade really an upgrade?
« on: November 15, 2007, 03:08 PM »
I don't get why every seems happy about the Zune "upgrade" this week. From my perspective, the tradeoffs achieve parity at best. Here's how I see the score:

Desktop software
I'm really horribly underwhelmed here. Sure, part of this is a bad feeling due to the mangling of my catalog (80% of the content was erased from my device, the collection was mangled, and no matter what I do, I seem to be stuck with a cover image from Megadeth applied to Dan Levinson & His Canary Cottage Dance Orchestra). To me the Genre and Year lists were more important than the Album lists, I'm going to miss them. They destroyed one playlist by deleting its tracks from the device, and I can't build it back up because it was generated from the Year view.

  • Supports WiFi sync (which I don't use anyway)
  • Ummm... I really can't think of anything else

  • No more listing by Genre
  • No more listing by Year
  • Mangle your catalog on upgrade
    • Trash cover art
    • Put copies of random tracks into random albums (Ozzy under Johnny Cash? Hmmm)
    • Song ratings are left behind
  • Can't see actual sync status, just a percentage

Device software
Device Firmware
The interface is more visually attractive, but it seems like they sacrificed function for form. There's still a huge missed opportunity that must be a marketing decision, that the device's file system will not be available to the desktop. This is terrible, and for what reason?

  • Wifi sync that I don't use
  • Slightly loosened restrictions on music sharing (that I don't use)
  • Go to artist option (I think that's new), but why not other Goto's?

  • Album view contains less information -- artist isn't shown unless the album is selected.
  • For non-upgraders, EQ has been removed

I may have missed something in those brief lists, but if so, it's not something that's important to me.

Judging from these things that I've noticed, it seems far from clear that the situation is an improvement, more like just a ... change.

If they could give me back the desktop Genre and Year lists I would be less dissatisfied, but even so, they can't give back the 3 hours I wasted putting my collection back in order after they mangled it.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: EverNote - Free today at GAOTD
« on: November 15, 2007, 11:23 AM »
The important thing is to run the activate.exe file during the 24 hour period.
Actually, I think they also tweak the installer itself to "phone home" to check that the offer is still active.

Regarding the app itself, I dislike the "toilet paper" model.

I have been using Surfulater, but I've been having problems with the files corrupting when syncing with my flash drive (a single database is composed of multiple files, and if I forget to close the app, they don't all copy, so they get out of sync).

Evernote, on the other hand, appears to have its own built-in sync feature.

It built in OCR looks pretty cool (I think that's been mentioned around here before).

Support for Google desktop search is cool, but I use Copernic.

Developer's Corner / Re: Serena to offer free apps prototyping tool
« on: November 14, 2007, 04:55 PM »
I think you're jumping to conclusions.

An agile process (at least any sane one) doesn't mean that you shouldn't document the system.

It's true that there are zealots who claim that the code (or, more to the point, the test harnesses) are the documentation; if I ever need to work with any of these people, I will shoot either myself or them. (Sorry, I'm in a grumpy mood right now with a developer arguing that she wants to use DateTime.MaxValue to indicate null)

Even once you're done with coding the whole system, having a document that describes the whole thing is invaluable. Right now I'm working on a project that's replacing a 10-year-old system that's grown like a cancer, and one of the biggest problems we have is trying to figure out exactly what the old system really is.

Anyway, the point of agile development is built things incrementally, constantly correcting course as you go. Why can't the documentation get this same treatment you're giving the code? As your codebase is evolving, keep iterating the documentation as well.

That seems to me perfectly consistent with the agile philosophy, and something that this tool ought to be able to handle.

General Software Discussion / Re: SQLNotes...what is it exactly?
« on: November 12, 2007, 06:19 PM »
File date will be imported into the database (currently only file name and path are imported)

If you want this feature to be really useful, I'd suggest allowing for the import of EXIF/IPTC data from image formats that support tagging. (I'm pretty sure there's code on for this, to save you some time)

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