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Living Room / Rebuilding my home network
« on: October 07, 2013, 05:07 PM »
It's been a few months since we had a serious discussion about home networking. I've just had to rebuild much of my network, and thought I'd share my experiences with current products and configurations.

I just moved to Texas, but a week before the move, a mega-thunderstorm burned out a bunch of my electronic equipment. On the trash heap following that:
  • Cable modem - owned by the cable company, so no loss to me
  • Router - these are cheap, but I lost the whole DHCP configuration, and getting all this stuff configured again will be a pain
  • 8-port gigabit switch - oddly, about half the ports still work, but I don't trust it anymore
  • DLink NAS
  • Desktop computer's NIC
  • One DirecTV PVR's NIC
  • PhonePower VoIP adapter - after the hit, it started to generate so much heat that its plastic case is warping
  • An HDMI switch connected to my TV, of all things

The NJ house I moved out of, I'd completely wired for ethernet before WiFi was a real option. The new house in TX doesn't have that, and TX houses don't have basements, making new wiring too much of a headache.

Getting myself back onto the net was the first task. I decided that in the long run it would be cheaper to buy my own cable modem (it'll pay for itself in 1.5 years, and with buried cables in my new town, there's minimal chance of its destruction). I went for the fastest I could find, a Motorola Surfboard, but really, any DOCSIS 3.0 would do. I had to let Time Warner Cable know the MAC address (their horrible customer service could fill another lengthy post). I subscribed to 50Mbps service (up from the 15Mbps maximum I could get in NJ), partly because the wife will be working from home, and will need plenty of bandwidth for that. I'm glad to report that the actual, measured bandwidth from TWC is slightly higher than that, even in prime time.

I also had a cheapo WiFi router in a box, which I'm currently limping along with until I can get better. That got me bootstrapped to where I could at least function.

The PhonePower VoIP adapter was easy. I called them, and had a new adapter in two days, minus $15 shipping. And it's pretty cool that I can just plug in here in TX, and still have the same phone number.

Since I don't have ethernet wiring, and don't want to be tied down to WiFi speeds, I needed a way to move the signal around. I'd previously used powerline adapters to good effect, and found that they've gotten faster in recent years. With three pairs of 500Mbps TP-Link Powerline Adapters, I can get the data into almost every room. I really like these things. They're super-easy to set up, and although they don't really provide the whole advertised 500Mbps, they're still a lot better than WiFi.

To get a wired connection to the damaged desktop, I needed to free a slot (the NIC had been on the motherboard). Who needs a phone modem these days? That card went in the garbage, with a spare gigabit NIC in its place.

The biggest challenge so far was the NAS. I had planned for the future by using RAID drives, but in fact both drives were intact; it was the NAS itself that was dead. And with no device to read the RAID array (and this being an older, discontinued model), I had no good way to get the data off the drives. Luckily I'd made a backup onto a portable drive just a week prior, in anticipation of my move, so data loss was trivial.

To replace the NAS Server, I got a Synology DS-212j. This is in the process of being discontinued (there's one lesson I didn't learn), so they're relatively cheap. I stuck the drives from the original NAS into this. I'm *very* impressed with this device. I don't know if there's anything special about the hardware, but they've obviously put a ton of effort into the software. Its configuration and management tools are just orders of magnitude nicer and easier to use than anything else I've ever seen. And the first thing I was able to do with it was plug that portable drive into its own USB jack, and copy off my backup (at this point I hadn't swapped out the desktop's NIC, and I really didn't want to push that much data through WiFi!)

One of the slick things about the Synology system is that it supports add-in applications (I know other vendors off this as well, but not with such an easy-to-use repository as Synology offers). And one thing I wanted to accomplish was to run a media server, to replace an old server that I'd decided not to bring to TX with me. Synology lets you install a Plex server with just a couple of clicks. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the Plex server working for remote access from my Android.

I think the reason I can't get that remote access running is because of the network configuration in that crappy router I'm using. In particular, it doesn't give me sufficient control of DHCP to ensure that things live in the network where I want them to be. So I've got on order a new, better router, a NetGear WNDR3700 (another product near end of lifecycle, that you can get relatively cheap). It's supposed to have very good radios, to allow for access out in the backyard, or to support the wife's multifunction printer thingy in her office (which only offers WiFi connection, no wires allowed). I plan to install DD-WRT onto it (which I also had back on the old router in NJ), so I'll have pretty much complete control over the network.

I wasn't able to replace the DirecTV receiver - the technician wouldn't go up on the roof to install the dish, and couldn't guarantee that the signal strength would reach the box if he stuck the dish onto the side of the house. So now I've got a whole-house HD DVR system from TWC (again, with the nightmare customer service). Years ago, before HD, I had TiVos. Those were better than the DirecTV DVRs. And those DirecTV boxes were way better than the TWC boxes. They're awful! Clunky user interface, intentional crippling of features like 30-second skip, and again, their awful customer service, make me regret this part of my decisions.

The last bit is that pesky HDMI switch. The only reason I had it in the first place was because my old AV receiver doesn't support HDMI at all. Rather then spend a money for the particular weird setup I'd need for that, I tossed out the receiver and got a new one, a Pioneer VSX-822-K. So now I've got a complete, integrated switching system, making the wiring much, much, simpler.

In the past, I'd use a weird off-brand networked video box to get access to my music and video library. I thought I could use DLNA in the new AV receiver to get access to the library. But DLNA sucks. It doesn't need to, but I've yet to find any implementation of it that's anything close to usable with a large library. With hundreds of artists in my music collection, just paging through the list of artists is too painful. So while this *should* be a feature of the new system, in fact it's not usable at all. The old no-name video network box lives on.

If anyone's at all interested in this ramble, I'll report back when I've got the new router set up. And maybe I'll come up with another alternative rather than DLNA. I've been thinking about getting a Raspberry Pi to run either Plex or XBMC on.

(edit: I included a bunch of links to products in Amazon. These aren't affiliate links, I just wanted to give folks a way to look at specs.)

Living Room / Hating on new Google Maps
« on: September 30, 2013, 05:01 PM »
Surely I'm not the only one that hates the new design of Google Maps. Let me count the ways that I hate it, and see if anybody's found good solutions to these problems with it:

  • Slow to load - it takes quite a while, even on a fast (e.g., 20Mbps) connection, to load up the page
  • Slow to interact - the page just doesn't feel snappy, at least in Firefox
  • No multi-stop direction - I can only find a way to get directions from point A to Point B; I can't see any way to go from A to B to C
  • Hideous links - to send a map takes a huge, opaque URL, but I can always use or something to fix that
  • Did I mention that it seems really slow?

Any other problems Google should be addressing?

I've recently been handed a large quantity of family photos that need to be digitized, so they can be shared with the whole family. Scanning each photo individually will take from now until my retirement.

So I'm looking for a tool that will let me take a single sheet covered with many photos (laid out arbitrarily rather than according to any strict grid, and only approximately straight), and automatically separate them into individual image files, straightening each photo's edges as it goes.

Optimally this would be done as part of the scanning process. But what's really important is the separation and straightening, so if I had to perform an initial process of scanning each page into a big image for it to run on, that would be acceptable.

Does anybody out there in DC land know of such a tool?

General Software Discussion / Accessing the world from China?
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:16 AM »
I just read that China has cut off access to Gmail,, etc. And I'm leaving in 10 days for a two-week vacation there. I'm looking for a good way to stay in touch with that damned firewall in the way. I need a way to VPN, or at least proxy, my way through that.

Of course there are loads of public services, like Hamachi or more general VPNs. But I'm assuming that as the Chinese government learns of these "leaks", they get blocked as well. So my expectation is that to ensure that I'll have a way out, I've got to implement it myself.

Aside from accessing mail and anything else I need through my notebook, another requirement adding complexity is that I be able to use the tunnel to access Google Voice using my Android phone (through the GrooveIP app, which allows it to be used as pure VoIP).

Can any of you suggest a good strategy for doing this?

My first guess was to set up a VPN using my dd-wrt router. I'm pretty sure this is possible, but the documentation is far from clear (to the degree that it exists at all), both in the creation of the VPN itself, and in its usage. Also, I'm not sure that I'd be able to use it with my Android phone.

Maybe it would be easier to set up an application of some sort (whether a VPN or just a proxy server) on my desktop computer, and set up my router to pass the traffic through to that computer.

Found Deals and Discounts / Google market promo: $0.10 apps
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:09 PM »
Celebrating 10Billion downloads, the Google Android market is offering 10 days of 10 downloads priced at $0.10 each. And these are quality apps.

Starting today [December 6] for the next 10 days, we’ll have a new set of awesome apps available each day for only 10 cents each. Today, we are starting with
  • Asphalt 6 HD
  • Color & Draw for Kids
  • Endomondo Sports Tracker Pro
  • Fieldrunners HD
  • Great Little War Game
  • Minecraft
  • Paper Camera
  • Sketchbook Mobile
  • Soundhound Infinity
  • SwiftKey X


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