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I tried one called Thin-Print from Cortado Mobile Solutions.

Simple free App install.  Two little installs on the Windows 10 (the second is a connector.)

Tried it out, worked perfectly. Printed from the picture roll.

Yes, there are tons of alternatives, maybe more sophisticated, but sometimes they are frustrating.  This was very pleasant.
eprint, google cloud print, HP Smart, Readdle or others. Some cost money, some are vanishing.  I do plan to try HP Smart.

Share your favorite method.

Wilders has a good discussion.
Definitely legit.
(That does not mean you want it in your toolkit though.)
The developer was responsive to Wilders (up to p. 4, 2016)

Ghostpress - Free AntiKeylogger

"Ghostpress is made for global protection and usually whitelisting affected software is the way to go."


Spyshelter Free
HPA - Hitman Pro Alert

No free lunch?

Just an FYI, I have used to find direct contacts.

Even if you say USA and Canada, you will get many Indian companies, however you will often get some good USA and Canada, also Europe (Netherlands, Slovenia, Ukraine), Morocco, Hong Kong, etc.

One my current coding project, sales tax for WooCommerce, maybe some pricing table action, a Kansas City company is in the lead.

No fee on either end.

General Software Discussion / Re: looking for cheap email hoster
« on: November 27, 2019, 12:03 PM »
Yes, in Jan 2019 I paid for 2 years in advance for $35. .. actually 25 months.

My error.  About 1.40 a month.  Maybe they have that special now?

They do have a forum and they do give support.

General Software Discussion / Re: looking for cheap email hoster
« on: November 27, 2019, 08:42 AM »
My Runbox account works well, I use it as a POP account, so I have not seen any fees. Presumably a few mails per month will not trigger fees for a long time.  I think I made sure there were no spam filters.

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