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Find And Run Robot / Re: Classic Skin vs Modern Skin
« on: December 26, 2010, 10:38 PM »
Thanks! I would love to find these features in new versions if possible. There are plans to add this?

Thanks again, and have a great holiday!

Find And Run Robot / Classic Skin vs Modern Skin
« on: December 23, 2010, 11:14 AM »
Ala Winamp :)

I tried to get the skin builder, but looks to have limited functionality (or perhaps I'm checking the wrong thing).

I would like to build a rounded skin for example, or even with customized shape with alpha blending. Is this possible at all?

mouser maybe?

Thanks a lot! :)

No problem, thanks for the help!

Here goes the directory:


Hi everyone, sorry was on a short vacation :)

Thanks for updating this with the fix!

The problem is, is not working yet... I have the same problem about TZ not doing anything... maybe I updated this wrongly? what I did, is go back to the first post here, redownload the new file, delete the timezone folder and put in place the new one...

Not working yet, tried restarting FARR as well.

Thanks for the hand!


Thanks for the response.

Here's the directory:


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