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Messages - Bloody_Turds [ switch to compact view ]

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I to have been a long time user and enjoy the software(with rainmeter), Recently however i have gotten 2 new monitors (thin bezel), and have come to the conclusion that the 1/2 inch gap between them was rather anoying (because there is an physical gap there, but there is no 'gap' between the 2 desktops it would stretch anything along this gap.
So i decided to try adjusting the horizontal position on the displays, so one of them is far enough offscreen to make the virtual gap match the physical one..
this works brilliantly with desktop coral, adjusted to fill that gap so fullscreen apps dont have their side cut off :), My only problem is with the taskbar/start button.

So it would be absolutely awesome if this could have an option for coral to move the taskbar over also. (i'm not sure if this is possible however, and i know its been a long time since an update, but i figured its worth a shot :P.

I also use multiple copies of the program on different parts of the desktop :P

yea thanks for the help :P, also it would be nice the bars could OPTIONALLY be treated more like an extra monitor. (not getting its own background), but rather, so files could be maximized in it, and so it wouldnt trigger aero snap in win 7, or somehow disable snap just for one side of one monitor, both seem rather challenging to me...

same directory, same executable run twice :P, just figured that would be something you may want to fix. :P

looked around didn't see a 'report bug' topic.. lol... anyways
In win 7, if you disable; and then re-enable(extend display) your secondary monitor; one of my 2 coral sidebars moves from my primary to my secondary display..

heres a 'diagram' lol

[|First coral window, attached far left|_DESKTOP WORK AREA, PRIMARY MONITOR_|Second coral window, attached far right|] gap between monitors [ _DESKTOP WORK AREA, SECONDARY MONITOR_]

ACTIONS: win+p, Computer only, win+p, Extend
[|First coral window, attached far left|_DESKTOP WORK AREA, PRIMARY MONITOR_] gap between monitors [ _DESKTOP WORK AREA, SECONDARY MONITOR_|Second coral window, attached far right|]

notice that the second window swaps monitors..

My Specs:
Resolution: 1920x1080 vizio tv, and 1440x900 acer monitor
OS: win 7 64
Videocard: ATI Radeon HD 4770, both screens hooked into it

attached is my desktop

ALSO; only 1 instance seems to be saved after a computer restart

Not quite what im looking for, but i wonder if you might modify, or know where a program that suits my needs is?, thanks

Basically, i have a really wide screen (i have windows 7),
and i want to be able to run 2 'full' screen apps, almost exactly like it would be on double screens. (maximizing an app, doesnt take both sides, and preferably the mouse would be locked in either side, when something is maximized (unless a certain key is being held or sumthin), the other requirement would be adjustability of the boundary line (i only want about 1/3-1/4 of the screen for one side (right?), and the rest on the other side. Im pretty sure most of the software is there (built into windows), its just a matter of tricking it into thinking there is 2 screens, of certain sizes, instead of the current screen, then re-routing the data accordingly, or something along those lines XD., if you were wondering, yes it is for gaming ^^, so thats why the locking on one 'screen' is a big deal.

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