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Hey, I also could visit cody - I´m also from Stuttgart. Where did you get your new Shackspace?

The new space in Ulmer Strasse 255 (aka 0xff) in Stuttgart Wangen.  We're still very busy fixing up the place. The old location (kind of stripped down now) is in the middle of the Nordbahnhof area.

Adventures of Baby Cody / Baby Cody arrives in Stuttgart, Germany
« on: March 11, 2011, 01:27 PM »
Hello fellow DCers, it's been quite a while since I've last been active on the forums.
This is going to change now since I'll be reporting on Baby Cody's adventures in Stuttgart.

A few minutes ago Cody flew through the door of shackspace, the Stuttgart hackerspace.
I managed to snap a quick photo of him when he landed right in the middle of one of the electronic lab's workbenches.
The guys at shackspace are currently in the middle of renovating their newly acquired space and then moving their stuff from the old to the new one.  Cody kindly offered to help with the logistics and will be supervising the move!

Stay tuned for more Baby Cody news over the following days!

General Software Discussion / Re: on OS updates and breakage
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:37 AM »
You haven't managed to break a system beyond usability, but you got your gentoo stuck in un-updatable dependency hell?  :huh: :huh: :huh:

I was still able to use it, just not update :D

General Software Discussion / Re: on OS updates and breakage
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:40 AM »
huh? pondering? i think the only reason you do not ponder is the fact that windows doesn't even give you a frickin' choice in the default setting.
"there's updates to be installed, you have to reboot". pardon me, what kind of updates? ohh, i see, keep protecting the stupid user from too much info :/

i've been running linux for way over 10 years now as my main operating system and i openly admit that it's not meant for everybody.
but i'm also pretty much blindly accepting any updates i get (i do glance over the list just to see what's affected).
in 99% of cases i didn't have the slightest problems, and mind you, i think it's safe to argue that on your average linux distro there's a lot more updates than what microsoft puts out.
the 1% is the odd kernel update that might cause a little hickup if you're running fancy hardware.
anyway, i haven't managed to break a linux system beyond usability or anything i wasn't able to fix myself right away in ages.
hell, i was even running a un-updatable gentoo system stuck in dependency hell for a year (neglecting updates on gentoo for more than half a year is no good idea) without problems.
since then i've switched to ubuntu and am happier than ever.

then again, it's not for everyone and who am i to evangelize anyone on their personal preferences.
just ticks me off if someone overgeneralizes and trolls about it :/

Finished Programs / Re: ZIP to PHP converter
« on: January 05, 2010, 06:45 AM »
you, sir, are awesome.
this is simply ingenious.

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