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If you're running a free, open, wireless hotspot in Germany and someone (mis)uses your internet connection for, say, piracy, you're responsible.

In Germany you're responsible for...
    * ... what people post on your forum or blog
    * ... the content of external websites you link to (even tho they are not your websites)
    * ... every crime committed using your free wifi hotspot


Living Room / (Video) The VERY first IT professional...
« on: July 11, 2007, 02:58 PM »
... or how I feel when I have to tell ignorant users how to do simple tasks.
This video is just awesome :D Worth wasting 2.5 minutes on

The very first IT professional.

German government just passed a law today that makes OWNING any such "hacker tool" which aim is to "commit a crime" illegal.
I just can't take it anymore.

Read up here to get a feeling how "being German" is getting worse and worse by the minute:

If you own any hacker tool which "aim is to commit a crime"...

    * nmap
    * metasploit
    * any penetration testing tool in general
    * port scanners
    * network analyzers? (hopefully not those too)

... you're signing up for one year in jail or a hefty fine.
That reads OWNING, not using, it's just OWNING.

Long version here:

Please speard the word and DIGG IT
It's no fun anymore. We're getting screwed big time.

Living Room / Bitwise gems - fast integer math
« on: June 28, 2007, 03:42 AM »
Fast modulo operation using bitwise AND

If the divisor is a power of 2, the modulo (%) operation can be done with:
modulus = numerator & (divisor - 1);
This is about 600% faster.

x = 131 % 4;

x = 131 & (4 - 1);

Every programmer should know about the simple shift-left, shift-right for base2 multiplication and division (if you don't, you're missing something).
This page, however, lists a couple of real gems (as the title suggests) like the one quoted above.

Living Room / Video: Stop the big brother state
« on: May 30, 2007, 02:28 PM »
the big brother state is an educational film about what politicians claim to be
protection of our freedom, but what we refer to as repressive legislation.

since terrorism has become a global threat, especially after 9/11,
governments all over the world have started enforcing laws which,
so the government say, should increase national security.

these laws obviously aim at another goal:
the states gaining more and more control
of their citizens at the cost of our privacy and freedom.

very well-made info video made at the university of applied sciences augsburg, germany.
watch it!

Solid freeform fabrication: DIY, on the cheap, and made of pure sugar
In February we gave a sneak preview of our project to construct a home-built three dimensional fabricator. Our design goals were (1) a low cost design leveraging recycled components (2) large printable volume emphasized over high resolution, and (3) ability to use low-cost printing media including granulated sugar. We are extremely pleased to be able to report that it has been a success: Our three dimensional fabricator is now fully operational and we have used it to print several large, low-resolution, objects out of pure sugar.


Seeing as the Zune was such a hit, Microsoft decided to repeat the success and tackle the iPhone before it even gets out the gate;
friends, we give you the Microsoft oFone.
Not to be outdone by Apple's multi-touch keyless interface, the oFone features not one or two,
but three keyboards that can all pivot about the small central screen. Need to bag some wild game for dinner?
No worries, oFone can do that too, simply extend the three arms (like in the pic above) and it apparently makes a decent boomerang.
We're loving where they're going with this idea -- cool and unusable, just how we like our fake phones.
Check the vid after the break.

from engadget

Living Room / How to get the perfect (looking) résumé / CV
« on: May 08, 2007, 03:06 PM »
After avoiding the 7 deadly sins of résumé design,
you may be asking, “If I can’t use crazy colors, clip art, and other types of decoration, how do I make my résumé stand out from the crowd?”
Like many things, the answer lies in the details.

Even if you can’t hire a fancy designer and are stuck with Microsoft Word,
a few tweaks can turn your blasé résumé into an elegant and functional showpiece.

Pretty nice step-by-step guide helping you with getting the layout of your future right (pun intended).
Everyone has to write some of these in his/her life time, so check this page out!

There are enough pages on the net already covering what has to be part of a CV, content wise,
but it's hard to find something dealing with the layout part which I'd say is a very important part.
After all it's what makes the HR person take a second look at it (hopefully).

Living Room / How to own a 128-bit number
« on: May 08, 2007, 05:41 AM »
Remember last week’s kerfuffle over whether the movie industry could own random 128-bit numbers? [...]

Now, thanks to our newly developed VirtualLandGrab technology, you can own a 128-bit integer of your very own.

Here’s how we do it. First, we generate a fresh pseudorandom integer, just for you. Then we use your integer to encrypt a copyrighted haiku, thereby transforming your integer into a circumvention device capable of decrypting the haiku without your permission. We then give you all of our rights to decrypt the haiku using your integer. The DMCA does the rest. [...]

from BoingBoing

Living Room / unhealthy amounts of image generators
« on: May 05, 2007, 08:07 AM »
  • Dummies Book Cover Maker (4 styles, change the cover on the DIY learning book covers)
  • Graffiti It (BETA testing new more realistic text effects, several graffiti art styles)
  • Comic Strip Generators (1,500+ cartoon characters, from babes to political figures like Bush)
  • Tarot Card Name Generator (32 tarot astrology cards, from death to the devil)
  • "Post-It" Note Generator (6 creative reminder notes for your site/blog, post your message)
  • Smiley Generator (350+ happy face messages to personalize, smilies sized 100X200)
  • Wallpaper Generator (100+ backgrounds, post notes to desktop or tag public computer)
  • Blog Header Image Maker (500 headers to change, create title bars for your blogs)
  • Confucius Says Generator (5+, make the Chinese wisdom prophet say your whimsical quotes)
  • Nigerian Scam Placard Generator (5+ Nigerian scammers, they are known to pose for signs)
  • License Plate Maker (1,000+ plates, put caption on your state/province plates Canada/USA)
  • Presidential Seal Maker (text around the US president's "official" seal, controversial fun)
  • Support Ribbon Generators (25+ causes, support a cause from American troops to gay pride)
  • Garden Label Generator (make pretty/cute inspirational graphics, flowers to golfing)
  • Famous People Message Generators (shoot the celebs game or make captions, 500+ faces)

and these are only 15 of >250

Living Room / Map of online communities (xkcd)
« on: May 02, 2007, 02:02 PM »
A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language

This comic is one of my daily stops, the humor is so nerdy it almost hurts.
I just love it. Especially since for quite some of those jokes you have to have quite some education to get them.

This is the latest comic, a map of online communities.
And there went quite some thought into it too. Note the compass rose and all the little details.
Map Of Online Communities
Even "your base" is there ;-)


Yes, you read correctly.
It's been done.

grab the changed code from
or directly from

this is by NO MEANS an official new mcps/xchat version!
this code is alpha, probably has bugs, might be insecure, blow up in your face.
it also depends on the OpenSSL library for doing the diffie-helman key agreement

i'm posting this here because i need your input and support.
if you're using mircryption with xchat and you feel confident enough to do so, please go ahead and test this code.

if you find any bugs or have suggestions, please contact me.

known bugs:
- doesn't use the name of the current query window if no parameter to /keyx is given (workaround: use /keyx NICKNAME)

known issues:
- there are some return values, mostly from the OpenSSL functions that aren't being checked yet. this has to be done.
- makefile for windows needs to be modified
- only tested on linux x86_64
- doesn't compile on intel macs (known issue with all versions of mircryption/xchat)

i should note a few things that are different in the way i implemented DH1080

- there can only be one key exchange at the same time (to prevent mix ups of public keys)
- there is a 7 second timeout in which B has to answer to A's request to exchange keys
- there is a new command "DH1080_ABORT <reason>" to ignore requests with an optional reason

that's it, this doesn't break compatibility with either fish or mcps/mirc

UPDATE! 2009-01-10
thanks to dev00 ( there's now a windows build of the (latest) inofficial mircryption version.
this enables windows users to use the DH1080 keyexchange!
since I don't run windows, I haven't had a chance to test it yet myself.

There's a binary as well as source code with a working visual studio project available from
The binary version is dynamically linked against OpenSSL 0.8.9i from http://www.slproweb....ts/Win32OpenSSL.html which you'd have to install.

Living Room / If Programmers Had To Build Planes
« on: April 23, 2007, 02:12 PM »
If Programmers Had To Build Planes
 A humorous look on what is expected from software programmers and computer system managers.
("On-the-Fly" Computer Programming)
Ad by EDS (Electronic Data Systems).

Living Room / How to build a 2.5 scale Sherman tank
« on: April 23, 2007, 02:01 PM »
That guy has a bit much time on his hands I guess. Awesome toy, tho!
Well, this is more of a hardware thingy ;-)
But nevertheless, enjoy!

This is [...] an instructional video on how to a build 1:2.5 scale driveable Sherman Tank.
If anyone would like futher info on this tank, go to
This is a new site just set up in the US and it covers, appart from my videos, comments and features on the subject of large scale tanks from all over the world.
Join up now and all your questions will be answered.

Living Room / Hunting bargains? Here's the ultimate tool for you!
« on: April 23, 2007, 09:09 AM »

Ok, enough of the fun, here's what google translation has to say:

Handbag holder for bargain scramble
The close friend who morning lines up quickly together
You think that we want knocking, the heart… which
The person, you call that “worldly desires”

Uhm, yeah, whatever, just check the page!

YouTube doesn't apparently delete it's video files right away.
If the video wasn't deleted too long ago, you might still have a chance "recovering" the video using this nifty little website.

Delutube - Deleted YouTube Video Viewer

Living Room / Video: Insane Ping-Pong ball tossing skills
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:21 PM »
Crazy Ping Pong Ball Video
This guy has way too much time on his hands!

Living Room / Laser Graffiti Video
« on: April 22, 2007, 05:03 AM »
you might have seen pictures of the project already, but that video was (atleast to me) something new.

Graffiti artists use a hand held laser pointer to instruct a larger laser to tag a large building.

from DevilDucky

Living Room / Intel Quad-Core Gaming Demo
« on: April 15, 2007, 08:42 AM »
Intel Quad-Core Gaming Demo
Intel combines two dual-core chips in a single package that plugs into a single chip socket.
Kentsfield uses two Conroe chips, and Clovertown uses two Woodcrest chips, for example

make sure to check the video, it's pretty amazing:

from TechEBlog

I just found this very nice page that explains all the basics about fonts and typography you (n)ever wanted to know.
Having had three years of design school myself I can say this is quite a nice page.
Make sure to check it out and you might find yourself appreciating well made fonts a bit more.

type basics
100% practical. Sketches have been made to explain some basic issues in type design during the workshops.
They get used to point out some problems which raise while creating a new typeface.
Only some foundations are shown, no deep sophisticated details.

from StumbleUpon

hey to all you xchat using mircryptors!

after someone (bt) joined #mircryption on efnet, pointing out a little bug (or two, or three, ...)
i sat down and invested a couple of hours into (re)writing some of mircryption/xchat's code

now just wait for mouser to upload the latest version so you can grab it from your trusted source @ donationcoder

you can look forward to
- key migration. if someone with a encryption key set changes his/her nick, the key will stick to the new nick (the mirc version had this since the beginning)
- more flexible theme settings (still hardcoded, but more choice and hopefully easier to understand)
- we are now catching the incoming text while it's still in RAW, thus preventing xchat from accidentally hilighting your nick within the base64 string (thanks bt for pointing that one out)
- nick hilighting! yes! finally you can get nick hilighting even if the text was encrypted

quite some work went into the message-re-issue code that enables us to use xchat's native nick-hilighting facilities even if the incoming text is (was) encrypted.
thanks to zed (xchat's coder) for giving me some very helpful pointers as to what's possible and safe to do.
since it's kinda weird if you just look at the code i spent some time to document it properly using a perverted version of a sequence diagram:

(click for full size)

Living Room / warning sign generator
« on: July 01, 2006, 02:30 PM »
following in the footsteps of my previous post on signs (link)
here's something to make your very own warning signs

looking for more generator stuff? check out this thread by mouser

Living Room / Finally! Sudoku where it belongs!
« on: June 19, 2006, 04:11 PM »
Tired of sudoku here, sudoku there, sudoku fucking everywhere?
Finally someone thought of something smart, put sudoku where it belongs


fight the hype!

YAReG - read ReiserFS partitions in Windows

This tool only supports reading, tho that's better than nothing at all.
No installation is necessary, just un-pack and run yareg.exe, it will auto-detect the reiserfs partitions you have on your system.
The only dependency is the .NET framework, which you can also download from the page in case it is missing

And without further ado, the tool:

Ext2(3) Installable File System For Windows

This one is also able to access ext3 partitions, full access with read and write on top of that
You need to run the installer for this one, since it is somewhat bigger but offers way more features, too.

Website for Ext2 IFS:

All the tools are free and released under the GPL

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