Messages - TT1 [ switch to compact view ]

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"The Cancel button won't enable unless a scan is going."

Yep, that's when I tried it.  I set it scanning my Destop (with subdirectories), hit 'Cancel' (it was highlighted red), and nothing happened (it remained highlighted).  I tried it numerous times in case there was some sort of timing issue.  The program just kept scanning away until it finished...

Whoops, meant to say it doesn't see any of the Audio files.

Unfortunately it still doesn't see any of the video files, and the Cancel button does nothing...

Still doesn't work .. doesn't see ANY of the audio files.  Started it without an ini file.  WinXP-sp1 (in case that matters).  Also, I just noticed that the Cancel button, doesn't.

Thanks for adding the additional options.  It makes the app even more useful.

For some reason the mp3 and wav files are not being seen in the folder I specified, but if I add those extensions to the front of the list then they are.  I didn't check to see if other extensions are affected.  Perhaps the list is too long?

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