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Finished Programs / Tag2Folder issues and request
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:17 PM »
I hope this is the appropriate place to make comments and suggestions.  First off, great little program .. just what I was looking for.  These are some thoughts that came to mind as I tried it out for the first time.  I hope they can be of help...

- Tags2Folders doesn't remove its temp folder/files ($$$$$_Tags2Folders_temp) it created in the Windows temp directory.  Is this intentional?

- The program has a problem when used on a system with a different DPI setting ( on Desktop, Settings, Advanced, DPI setting, set to 120dpi).  Some of the text is partially missing. (see:

- Doesn't maintain Created datestamps on the copied/moved files.  Could this be added.  Sometimes Created is useful when sorting/finding/organizing files.

- There's no way to pause or abort the process once started, short of hitting the big "X".  Could the 'Go' bar act as a toggle?

- If files are already in the destination, could you skip the copy/move if filename and MD5 matches (as an option).  This might speed things up, effectively copying/moving only those files that aren't already in the destination.

- Could config.ini to be changed to Tags2Folders.ini?  That way the program could exist in a directory where other programs create or read a config.ini.

- Config.ini doesn't remember Copy/Move option.  Could this be added?

- Will this work with 10,000+ files (due to limited buffer space, etc.)?  I just want to make sure before I let'er rip...  ;>)


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