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Messages - tomos [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Everyone's Photo Portfolio, Purlease!
« on: October 10, 2006, 02:46 PM »
heres mine from the "Fotokreis" (click on "zur übersicht" if you want to see other member's photos)

They were all taken this year, but havent been taking many since the start of summer.

Liked your buildings Redhat - nice light (or lack of same :) ) in all the biuldings, in & out.

P.S. Nice rainbows and spiders Allen!
Yeah, and nice halloween pumpkins  :)

& loads of nice photos there Oshyan (make me miss the sea, I grew up about half hours drive from it - now about 7hrs drive, but I do live in beautiful countryside here so I usually dont miss it!)

General Software Discussion / Re: keeping/saving cloned files
« on: October 09, 2006, 02:27 PM »
I uninstalled NTFS Links (because life is too short!) but maybe I should give it another go...
I just after reinstalling it & it seems to work okay -
 I mean
the first test hard link worked perfectly:
created a hard link of a .rtf file (right click-drag)
modified hard link - original modified
renamed, modified it again - original kept same name but did follow suit re modification.

I'm just after trying the same with .fh files (Freehand) -
it created the hard link, but nothing beyond that worked ... :(

repeated with diff .fh file, no joy.

odd ...  :-\
its not working in this part of the world
funny, its still not working from my "part of the world"=on this computer with any browser.

maybe it's really just not meant to be, for me,

General Software Discussion / Re: Is AVG really that bad?
« on: October 09, 2006, 12:21 PM »
I was thinking of getting Ewido,
& cause of that was thinking of getting the "AVG anti-malware".
Thats Ewido & AVG pro - innit? - or is it??
The last time I looked they were calling it Ewido still, but now its just Anti-spyware. I presume they just incorporated it ...

Together they come in at a very reasonable $45 or so,
with yearly updates of "approximately half that" (or so i was told)

I'm currently using the free version (AVG) & find it easier to update than AntiVir,
mind you with broadband now its no big deal.

AVG often seems to come a bit down the list in terms of virus detection in any tests I've seen
which is a bit worrying (again: innit?? :) )
mind you,
gizmo says here that the combination of AVG & Ewido detects more than NOD32 (in his tests) ...

your welcome  :D   g'luck with it!

it'd be nice to hear how you get on:
if you make any variations or find it helpful - unhelpful - whatever,

I'm going to post again when I've been using it a while -
I'm throwing in a couple of ideas from Mark Forster & varying some of the details for myself.   

Living Room / Re: Artwork wanted!
« on: October 06, 2006, 05:07 AM »
I'm not actually familiar with flash, but do use Macromedia FreeHand.
Its native file format saves very small, (FH.9 or 10 etc.).
I wonder could that be imported into Flash?

EPS would be I guess the most universal format but much bigger.

I guess its a good thing to think about at this stage,
rather than having something you cant convert to your needs at a later stage  :o  :)

Living Room / Re: Artwork wanted!
« on: October 06, 2006, 04:54 AM »
what file-format would do - I mean for the vector image ?

Added a summary to the first post to hopefully make it all a bit more accessible.

Would saythough, if you're interested, it's the details that hold it together so it worth reading the whole thing.

Attatched here is a PDF from the author (again, with permission) about the system - with better quality images which helps!

[Originally posted by Martin Ternouth here. (Edited slightly here - and reproduced with permisson :) )]

Paper is kept in the system in two forms:
loose, when it is being worked on, and in coverslips when it isn't.

All current documents relating to a task are kept in a transparent coverslip. The type of coverslip used is closed on two sides only so that the contents can be extracted as easily as possible.
The coverslip contains a title sheet at the top of the pile that has the name of the task written at the top (TASK 1) and the bottom. This first sheet also has a space for handwritten notes.
If the documents form too bulky a pile then the task is split into two coverslips (TASK 3 Sales and TASK 3 HR) with a reference to each on the front sheet of each.
Operational files may also be needed that cover several tasks (Issues in France). These also are each contained within a coverslip. All these coverslips are stored in a tray, or trays, called WORK IN PROGRESS (WIP).


There is no specific order to the paper within the coverslips.
It is a principle of the system that every piece of paper is looked at once a week.
In practice, the most recently-referred to pieces of paper are near the top: this facilitates culling in due course. This weekly review is the key to the system's success. It means that dependencies and inter-relations are continually being exposed and examined and held in human short-term memory whilst the review is being carried out. Flicking through paper does not involve any mental effort: certainly far less than logging in and out of documents on a screen.

The system is initiated by a very simple series of processes.


Work comes in. It can be formal on paper, jottings on a telephone call just received, or a printout of an email with information that will need to be referred to frequently. All this paper is put loose into a filing tray marked OVERNIGHT AND TODAY. There is one rule for this tray.

OVERNIGHT AND TODAY must be empty at the end of the day.

The PAPER WORKSPACE, is normally the square yard or so of the desk beside the computer. This can contain any amount of paper in any order or piles or scatterings. There are three rules that govern the use of the paper workspace.

PAPER WORKSPACE must never contain paper from more than one task
PAPER WORKSPACE must be cleared when current task is completed
PAPER WORKSPACE must be cleared at the end of the working day

You put the paper from overnight and today into the workspace, works on it until whatever you are doing is finished for the moment (or until you are permanently interrupted) at which point it goes into a coverslip in a filing tray labelled CURRENT TASK. When you are ready to resume work on it the contents are taken out and scattered in workspace as before. There are two rules for current task.

CURRENT TASK must contain paper only in a coverslip
CURRENT TASK must contain only one coverslip and contents


The first advantage of this system is that it grows organically. Task files are not set up until they are needed. The second advantage is that the system recognises that people work best when they have paper to shuffle around, make notes on, place side by side, clip to or unclip from. The third advantage is that paper never goes missing because the chaos of paper on the desk is all from one task.


It is a fortunate (or very bored) executive who only has one task to control. New tasks are dealt with in exactly the same way as the first. However, because there can only ever be one current task, the new coverslips are stored in the filing tray called WORK IN PROGRESS. From time to time they will become the current task.


Loose paper is never passed between these trays, only in coverslips. New documents (or documents that may have become misfiled) can of course be transferred into coverslips.

Pressure of work will often prevent you from giving thought to everything in OVERNIGHT AND TODAY. Anything unattended during the day or at the end of the day to is dropped into a tray or box on the desktop called HOLDING.

More rules:

WORK IN PROGRESS is thinned out (or expanded) when full

HOLDING is reviewed every day, and thinned out when full

Documents from holding may be passed back into overnight and today. The purpose of the system is not to dispose of documents but to ensure that they are regularly reviewed.


All tasks in WORK IN PROGRESS and CURRENT TASK are reviewed once a week. Every document (say 1-3,000) in work in progress and current task is scanned through. It will normally take less than half-an-hour,



As a general rule, all documents are filed electronically (ELECTRONIC ARCHIVE).
A seperate archive of bound documents may be kept on the desk (DASK ARCHIVE)
Some formal project documents may need to be kept on paper. These are not part of operational work control and should be kept in a CUPBOARD ARCHIVE or filing cabinet.

The frequent review process will lead to a continual winnowing of paper. This is dumped into a CULLING BOX (an empty box of photocopier reams is ideal) and this is reviewed when it becomes full. This is a last backstop to prevent anything valuable being thrown out. Anything having lain undisturbed in the bottom of the culling box for a month or so can safely be placed in the TRASH.


The system operates perfectly as described in the foregoing pages.
The system is designed to keep paper mobile and instantly accessible.
Files live in cabinets and cupboards, preferably virtual. A list of work in progress (including current task) can be useful, pinned up on a cubicle partition. Written by hand on a sheet of A3 it can contain notes for instant reference in response to a phone call.
The trays can usefully have a sheet of coloured paper placed on top of them after review (with the time of last review) so that new work is separated from sheets that have previously been looked at.


The full system takes less than a day to set up.
There is no maintenance time separate from the review of the documentation, other than a few seconds occasionally sweeping a deskful of documents into a coverslip, and further set-up tasks such as expanding kanbans.

There is considerable time saved from the following:

Being able to find any document within seconds

Never losing any documents

Not having to sort filing into alphabetical or any other order

Arriving at a clear desk in the morning

The system does not tie you to your desk — quite the opposite. Nearly all the archive filing and the project chart and other documents are electronic. Task files can be pulled out and will have the advantage over punch-hole files that only current information is included. Also, all the documents are available to any other member of the team or the office who can operate the system in your (frequent) absences with virtually no training. The system holds information in piles, but the piles are labelled.


The following is a summary of the rules.

OVERNIGHT AND TODAY must be empty at the end of the day.

PAPER WORKSPACE must never contain paper from more than one task
PAPERWORKSPACE  must be cleared when current task is completed
PAPER WORKSPACE must be cleared at the end of the working day

CURRENT TASK must contain paper only in a coverslip
CURRENT TASK must contain only one coverslip and contents

WORK IN PROGRESS must contain paper only in a coverslips. WIP must be thinned out (or expanded) when full

HOLDING is reviewed every day, and thinned out when full

Daily (by the end of the day)

OVERNIGHT AND TODAY must be empty.

HOLDING is reviewed daily.

PAPERWORKSPACE must be cleared.


All tasks in WORK IN PROGRESS are reviewed once a week.

All tasks in CURRENT TASK are reviewed once a week. 

 -- Martin Ternouth, December 15, 2003

I've been trying to implement time-management without great success. I have realised that first I needed to implement some sort of a system for organising my workspace.

The following post is a (slightly edited) copy of a post made here by Martin Ternouth describing his management system.
(It's about a quarter ways down the page, dated December 15, 2003. I came across it referred to here at

It the first thing I came across that seemed to offer a complete system for coping with day to day work/paper/projects.

This might not be relevant to people who dont generate lots of paper, or to people who already have functioning systems in place, but for me, it's a dream.

These benefits alone help me breathe a sigh of relief
Being able to find any document within seconds

Never losing any documents

Not having to sort filing into alphabetical or any other order

Arriving at a clear desk in the morning

Its a long post the next one :)
so maybe I should give a brief summary here:

To start there's your WORKSPACE:
You can only have one project at a time on it. Clear space end of day!
Where to?
to CURRENT TASK tray which holds, well, your current task  :)
WORK IN PROGRESS tray holds other current projects.

Then you have your InBox -
OVERNIGHT & TODAY which must be cleared by end of the day.
HOLDING tray - stuff from inbox can go in here - in practice I find its mostly things that need to be filed away or scanned - to be checked daily.

 :two: It might not seem like anything new but where it works well i find is in working on only one task at a time - and having a home for that task & that task only.
Also he uses these see through plastic folders (coverslips) that are open on 2 sides only (I've read they're not so common in the States?) & says you must keep all documents/groups of documents in these (apart from InBox mainly) which keeps things much more under control I find.
There are other details that are very important to system & of course regular (planned) checks/reviews :)

Also, if you want to get a quick "view", have a look at the last couple of pictures & the summary of the rules end of next post.

[Edit: see post#3 for attatched PDF about the system from Martin Ternouth]

anti-procrastination group!!
that sounds interesting ?

anyone know what to use for "all unread posts" ?

I've just read the bit in Do it Tomorrow about filing. (Chapter 15 -Sorting Out Systems - under the headings "Working from Home" then "Filing")

Mark recommends using Lever-arch folders instead of suspension files.

It makes sense to me (what he says), in that with suspension/alphabetically filed things I'm often not sure where things are - is it filed under Software, Computer OR Programmes for example.

He just stacks his folders on a shelf, with the most recently used one always on the left.

Has anyone tried this out ?
I'm wondering as well how to group the stuff that's to be filed ... e.g. Finances is an obvious one & depending what line you're in you could break that down - I'm going for "Current Year" & "Finances General"
But with other stuff - especially scrappy bits n pieces I'm not sure how to go about it.

I guess whatever I try, as I work with it, it will evolve .. :)

good luck then, tomos.

I'm a late starter on this one & there was too much choice (this, no that, no ..)

I also finally somehow realised that I had to not only tidy up my workspace,
but make a place for everything
- even if its as Mark Forster says a "Backlog" tray/box whatever. (I'm coming from a dark & very disorganised place ..)

I've just read he highly recommends using the "current initiative" idea for clearing a backlog (of anything - even debt ! :) ),
so I have a box of stuff to be filed/sorted,
which I now officially declare "Backlog" and also "Closed" (nothing can be added).

Now I start on that first thing tomorrow morning  :up:

Backup Guide / Re: Acronis now does backup of individual files/folders
« on: September 29, 2006, 02:55 AM »
I have just discovered "Iomega Automatic Backup Pro"  ...
 ... The only things lacking are compression and the ability to backup files locked by other processes - but for normal 'My Documents' type data files it works really well and worth giving a whirl.

been trying this out (Iomega Automatic Backup pro):
it does actually give an option to compress (Edit>Advanced Tab:)
I just tried a test backup of 41MB of files & backup is listed as 20MB

It does crash on my computer when i restart after being in hibernation

Living Room / Re: Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)
« on: September 26, 2006, 03:01 AM »
I was going to just download it but went for the posted version -
as you say Carol its nice to have a decent CD packaging & a shortcuts-card

- only cost me 6 dollars postage (maybe cause its just within Europe) but then got charged VAT tax -
still, wont break the bank @ under $30  :)

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: XYplorer File Manager
« on: September 23, 2006, 04:27 PM »
One question: if the list is currently sorted by Size, how does DO achieve the correct sort order before it knows the folder sizes?
it loads them alphabetically first & then sorts them acording to size - this can take a while if the folders are very large

I cannot predict how many ideas I'm going to have in a day. Nor how long it'll take to action those ideas. This is, I think , not exclusive of academics: can a programmer estimate how many bugs he can find in a day? And how long a bug will need to get fixed? Tough call sometimes.
You're probably aware of this aspect:

I'm just reading in Forster (DIT Chapter 13 I think - I can check if you want) about projects/ideas that you want to do as opposed to projects you need to do.

He also describes them as projects that dont have a deadline & recommends picking one & concentrating on that till its done then going on to the next.

I realise that may not be appropriate to a lot of situations, but it could possibly reduce the idea of certain things (ideas/projects) as a backlog?
Which I reckon must be helpful - "backlog" seems like a weight on the shoulders to me!

I'm concentrating on getting a organisation/time-managemnet/system of sorts going here, (apart from the work I have to do) and then I'm going to settle down to next "project" ... actually writing this makes me realise a lot of things I want to do can go on this list - could call it the wish-do-list maybe :)

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Very simple timeclock utility
« on: September 19, 2006, 09:48 AM »
I love the way it asks what I was doing while I was away from the computer
actually I think theres a bug with that:

When desktop is idle for designated time I get a query asking what I've been doing.
When saved though, the text doesnt show up on the list.

If I choose "Add comment to log" - that works.

I'm spending way too much time comparing systems and reading around.
I think it'd be easier to do a 'shareware trial'...
For 30 days, just do 'to the letter' what the system says.
Do not try to add new stuff
Do not compare it with others
Believe it as if it was DOGMA

That a big one for me as well - last week was a real struggle trying to work AND take in all this new stuff & reading different responses/variations from people in internet.
(This week is a struggle too for that matter)

But, I guess even if you pick ONE, you will probably have to adjust it to your needs ...

something else I'm trying this week is to plan my day (in great detail)

Its unsucsessful so far for the whole day, so I'm starting to break the day down into blocks of 2hrs & plan them one at a time (I'm on a break now so will shortly plan the next 2hrs)

One side of the page I have things I want to do today (including 4 x 30min blocks of the "Boringstuff"), also when I want to finish.
Other side I do the planning. I'm finding this good (the 2hr thing) cause it keeps things fresh.

I find in general I'm doing more things that are at least work-related (I mean as opposed to idle surfing or trying out that new whatever)

The most important is to have work method.
That one still needs a bit of "work" :)

I'm finding I'm now posting here instead of finishing my plan for the day which i should have done last night ...*

I do notice, the more I put into effect, well, I am getting more disciplined - slowly, but i notice it.
I think its a bit like programming ourselves to work in a different way to previously.
maybe we first have to do a bit of deprogramming to help us on our way?

To that end I have a "chuck it in the bin" list on my desk - mainly ideas re work:
I need to do this
I cant do that

The other idea i came across (& have also just started), is to write in a journal/notebook when you're struggling with anything. Have already found it helpful but have to add it to the system yet (will i ever read it again - with that I'm not even sure its necessary)

*so maybe I'm not qualified to talk?! Dont think I have enough discipline to sell any on at any rate :)
Anyways, just thought I'd throw those ideas out here anyway

General Review Discussion / Re: Mini review: toDoList
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:39 AM »
thanks f0dder.

I got response from db:
Search tasks over priority
Its all there. just pick your find values

Priority Value
- Preferences>Tasks>Attributes>'Display tasks priority as being the highest of sub tasks'

and posted about this in GOE

I'm struggling a bit with practicalities of indexing/filing/structure.
I want to post about that but have to try & get an overview of it all first!  :D

I have a query re todolist (Abstract Spoon one) in the ToDo mini-review
I would also be very curious how other people are using this programme:
so far I just have the following TaskLists:

Action/To do list
Ideas list
GOE list
Texts List

but I'm unsure would i be better having all in one list - so  I can prioritize stuff*. At the moment if something from the Texts Lists needs to be done soon I add it to the Action list.
This isn't very efficient - I know/believe you can make links between tasks - is that a recommended route ?

I'm using paper for my daily-will-do list but like the coherency of this programme & am looking at combining both.

*Interesting possibility would be if one could see a list showing all tasks over a certain priority from all lists.
I think you can use reminders as well but at the moment I'm happy/prefer listing stuff by Priority and working my way through things.

So my query at this stage is really how people are using the programme, especially in regards to GOE

Since I'm really familiar with the ideas, I can do a review for week 4 or 5, if people think it would be helpful -- along with ways I think it could tie in with the other methods we have been trying.

that sounds good to me.
I'm amazed so far how much what I've read (& the little I've implemented) have influenced/affected ... my awareness, I guess, of how I am & what I'm doing, what I want to do, etc.

I would like to take that a step further so would love to hear more about these ideas

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