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General Software Discussion / Bad Design is Harder than Good Design
« on: September 19, 2006, 11:57 AM »
I just can't get over how hard some software developers try to make life harder. Here are a couple videos that show really bad design that I know would have taken more effort to do than to make it easy for users. These are really standard type things that everybody in the world can do properly without making things difficult. In the second video, it shows that you need to restart the software after changing a tab! Complete insanity.

SPH-V9900 (1)

SPH-V9900 (2)

General Software Discussion / What to you think of RealPlayer?
« on: September 07, 2006, 07:12 AM »
I've been watching the counter at s*** soar for hate against RealPlayer. About half of all answers are for it.

I haven't updated RealPlayer in a while, but it just works. I've never had a single problem. I have v10.5 installed, and have no problems with it ever.

Mouser likes it. I don't know who else does.

Years ago it was horrible, but it's pretty good now.

I'd like to know what people hate about it, or like about it. That is if anyone has the time or inclination.



General Software Discussion / Win/IIS to LAMP Converts
« on: August 31, 2006, 07:54 AM »
Hello all,

I'm looking for feedback from those that have gone from Windows Server (2000 or 2003) and IIS to LAMP and what you've got to say about the transition and your general levels of satisfaction.

I'm thinking of getting a LAMP dedicated server because I can get it for the stupid low price of $30 a month, but before I do that, I want to find out about experiences from those in a similar position.

Any thoughts, muses, or anything is appreciated.



General Software Discussion / Software Frustrations
« on: August 28, 2006, 10:29 AM »
While I'm usually pretty quick to offer praise for software that I appreciate, I don't usually rant too much about the ones that drive me nuts, and my rants are generally pretty tame.

Support is always important, and that can drive me up the wall when developers don't support their products. (After spending a few hundred dollars on an upgrade, I'm steaming as the developer won't answer emails... as usual...)

Anyways, the last few incidents have pretty much pushed me over the edge, and while reading about some anti-spyware that just doesn't work (another pet peeve), I figured I'd whip up a site for complaining about software. Since most places like to keep clean, I figured a small spot on the Internet for airing out dirty software might be useful or at least cathartic.

So if anyone feels like ranting about something, there's no bad word filter.  ;)



General Software Discussion / ALSong - New Release :)
« on: August 14, 2006, 02:59 AM »
We've finally released the international version of ALSong.

ALSong is a live lyrics MP3 player and has a few extras like creating mixed albums.

I've got some fantastic free music downloads as well. Each download is in the ALSong album (*.sab) format, and features a complete album.

Thanks go out to The Autumn Addicts and Kimo Watanabe for the music, and V Brown from 808Talk for his instrumental help putting us in contact with them.

Though it may seem a tad on the silly side - my favorite thing about ALSong is the playlist. While it may seem trivial and simple - It's just so much better than traditional flat playlists. If you've got playlists with hundreds of songs, you'll LOVE the folder view!

Enjoy~!  :D


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