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General Software Discussion / Outlook Nightmares...
« on: October 10, 2006, 10:31 PM »
I've used Outlook, and I know what it feels like to be buggered with a razor wire baseball bat... :(

Holy mother of mercy! HELP~!

Outlook crashed on startup 100%. Got that fixed. Now I have 10's of thousands of duplicate messages. (About 40k or so.) And the duplicate remove I've used has only helped moderately.

I still have about 15k messages that are unread. :( I keep meticulous track of my messages, and now they're all polluted.

Personally, I'd love to murder the entire Outlook team at MS then do the same to the guys that chose Outlook as the company email software. But as I like my freedom, that's out of the question. (Shouldn't bad IT decisions be grouped in with the 'justifiable homicide' category?)

Does anyone have any advice on how to fix a totally screwed inbox? I don't want to read 15k messages... Again...

The Basic Problem: My inbox now has duplicates of emails that I've already read or responded to. I don't want to delete those. I want to delete the unread ones. And the software I used just doesn't help to fix things.

I just released a mini-utility to help keep DNN installations alive and out of the garbage collector. You can find it here:

DNN Keep Alive

It's free.



General Software Discussion / New App - Floating Ruler - Feedback?
« on: September 27, 2006, 11:28 AM »
So I'm finally fed up with messing around with dumb ways to do things, so I wrote a stupid little application today to give me a simple on-screen ruler to measure alignments in other programs. (e.g. Visual Studio, Photoshop, appTranslator [the real motivation], etc.)

It's a .NET v1.1 app, so you'd need that installed. (Decided not to go with v2.0 but I'll do that later.)

Anyways, I'm looking for feedback. Please be brutal. But keep in mind what it is supposed to be used for...

I know it sucks a bit right now, but it does what I need it to do for now. i.e. Let me visually align things on-screen.

It's kind of like guidelines in Photoshop, but for any program.

Here's the download:

Floating Ruler

Just as a silly aside, the app is 72kb, but the zip is 212kb and 428kb unzipped. i.e. Bloated installer. But it works...



I found this link at Jos:


Your newest favorite Firefox extension~!  :D 

I nearly died laughing while reading the site. It's just hilarious. It goes on and on about porn and how great Firefox is for porn. Read the "About" at the bottom of the page. Classic!

Guitar & Drum Trainer v3.1.4 is out with some new interface changes to make it a bit more attractive.

GDT helps you improve the quality of your practice time and become a better musician. If you're already good, then GDT can help you transcribe music, or just make life easier with pitch shifting music to your instrument.

You can slow down music, pitch shift, loop music, filter instruments with a 31 band EQ, increase your speed and accuracy with the GDT Speed Trainer and a lot more.

You can get more information here.

Peace, Love, and Eternal Groovieness  :D


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