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Living Room / Desktop vs. Web Debate
« on: November 22, 2010, 09:03 PM »
Hey, let's start a fight and open some wounds~! :P


In the past I've been averse to moving things to the web, but I think I'm softening quite a bit.

While the desktop is still king over a lot of things, I feel like it is slowly losing ground.

The entire "boot from the web" stuff is still nonsense at the moment, and I think it will remain nonsense for a long time to come. Mostly because of Internet infrastructure requirements just aren't there.

But I keep seeing things that really make sense on the web.

While Flash is still the defacto video method, Silverlight video is far better, and we have yet to see what HTML5 will afford us.

It just seems like there is a lot more that's viable on the web than there was 5 years ago.

Ok, I suppose them's not really fightin' words, but I tried. :)

Developer's Corner / Goofy Google Search Results
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:07 AM »
Ok, this I MUST share...

Check this results page:

Read the search terms.

Click the second result ( :P

Search results... You're doing it wrong...

This post is basically for administrators and not end users.

Well, I'm fed up with my current email server software and looking for some new email server software.

I've been trying to find a good combination of:

* Email server software
* Antivirus software
* Antispam software

But, I'm running a Windows machine, and there's just crap out there unless I want to spend a fortune, which I don't. I'd like to get some decent software for a reasonable price or free. I'm not interested in Johnny's garage software though. I'm only interested in well established software with a track record that I can rely on.

I will be installing VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) in order to have a Linux server running on the same machine.

Can anyone recommend a combination of:

* Linux distribution (Preferably one that's already in the VMware catalog if possible, or maybe ThoughtPolice.)
* Email server software (Postfix, Zimba, etc.)
* Antivirus software
* Antispam software (hopefully not a "per user" license. Spamassassin?)
* Webmail interface for email server (e.g. Zimba, SquirrelMail, etc.)

At the end of the day, I want to get things running properly

I will also likely end up running a limited set of websites on it, so lighttpd and Apache will also be important later on, but not crucial now.

If you have personal experience, please say so. Also, if you've done virtualization before in production environments (not desktop), please say so.

I had a look at Spamassassin, and it's simply not worth the trouble on Windows. The installation and configuration for it is nothing short of Black Magic. I'm open to a Linux version if I can get it to work without sacrificing virgins and children to the devil.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations.

Living Room / Boxee??
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:53 PM »
Has anyone heard of or tried this? The "Boxee"?

Sounds good...

Particularly, if anyone in Australia knows about it, please chime in.

Living Room / Fake Coffee Shop in China (NSFW) (Can you guess?)
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:00 AM »
A Chinese friend of mine forwarded this to me:



I just couldn't help myself:



I had to pass it on~!

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