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Screenshot Captor / Menu bar stuck on right, not top
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:20 AM »
I can't seem to get the menu bar to the top. After reinstalling a newer version, and wiping settings, it's still on the right.

Here's a screenshot:

Screenshot - 2018-07-16 , 11_53_28 AM.png

DC Gamer Club / MIT Morality game for self-driving cars
« on: October 08, 2016, 09:37 AM »
MIT has a morality game for self-driving cars.

Take the results with a cowlick of salt. They're not very accurate, but you might have fun. It's pretty short too, so no major time investment.

I used 3 principles in the "game":

1. Save the people in the car.
2. If nobody is in the car, obey traffic lights.
3. If nobody is in the car, and you can't obey lights, swerve.

That results in prefering:

  • Men over women
  • Younger people over older people
  • Large people over fit people
  • Higher social value over criminals

All of those were simple accidents of how the questions appeared.

I need some software to help me design a workbench.

I am NOT interested in learning 3D design, and I don't want to play fun & games with a 3D CAD program that makes me design screws and 2x4s and everything else. All of that stuff should be built in to the software.

In other words, I want to drag & drop 2x4s and other materials onto the design surface and get things done quickly.

Like LEGO.

Or like Visual Studio or any other typical software IDE where you can use and customise pre-made components. (Who in the world wants to write their own text input component when you can just drag & drop one?)

I tried Sketch (by Google) and hate it. There's no kind of "tool chest" with pre-made materials/items to use. Ick.

I don't want to spend a fortune on this either. If it's $100 or more, I'll stick to pencil & paper. Free is best. Also, I'm a total bigot and prefer open source software, e.g. MIT or GPL, etc. Proprietary is ok, but has to be worth it. Also, if it is proprietary, I'm also a total bigot again and prefer software from mISVs over large software development companies.

The workbench will be used for a variety of purposes, including working with wood, metal, and electronics.

So, requirements in brief:

  • High level functionality
  • Ease of use
  • Cheap or free (no $gajillion CAD suites - free is best)
  • No OS X software

Bounty: $10 in DC credits to whoever has a sane recommendation for me that I can actually use.

Developer's Corner / Arduino versus Evil!
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:42 PM »
This is a Youtube channel that some people may enjoy.

He curses a lot, so NSFW, but otherwise a good time!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / The hilarity of utter ignorance
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:45 PM »
Have a quick read here for an example of the epitome of ignorance:

Here's a snippet from someone who fundamentally doesn't understand what math is about:

“Encryption threatens to lead us all to a very, very dark place. The place that this is leading us is one that I would suggest we shouldn’t go without careful thought and public debate,” FBI Director James Comey said of the encryption of mobile devices in 2014.

Good luck with putting that genie back in the bottle.

More at the link.

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