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Living Room / Which Software Personality Would Sing These Lyrics?
« on: January 11, 2008, 07:04 PM »
Ok - just for fun, which major software personality could you imagine singing these lyrics?  ;D

Now I have you deep inside my everlasting grasp
The seven bloody gates of Hell
Is where you'll live your last

Warriors from Hell's domain
Will bring you to your death
The flames of Hades burning strong
Your soul shall never rest

The gates of Hell lie waiting as you see
Theres no price to pay just follow me
I can take your lost soul from the grave
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved

(From Slayer's "Hell Awaits")

I've put up probably the top best know personalities along with some extreme dichotomies. ;)

General Software Discussion / NETSCAPE ---- R.I.P. !!!
« on: January 01, 2008, 06:22 PM »
Netscape is dead.

Netscape Navigator, the world’s first commercial Web browser and the launch pad of the Internet boom, will be pulled off life support Feb. 1 after a 13-year run.

NS has been in terrible decline for so long, this really should be called "euthanasia". It's truly a mercy killing at this point. :(

Living Room / Are you sad?
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:37 PM »
I just noticed that isn't there! :(

Wouldn't a Cody favicon make you much happier? ;)

Living Room / Applications Stealing Focus...
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:58 PM »
Stealing focus is something that really ticks me off. I can't count the number of times that I've been happily typing along when some application steals focus and I end up doing something very bad. Ok... It's not really THAT often, but when it happens, it can be disastrous.

At a minimum, there should be no default action for a window that steals focus. e.g. The space bar does nothing -- no "OK" and no "YES" or "Cancel" or anything like that.


Infacta is giving out a free license to all their customers. Nice of them. Anyways, I had the email - ignored it - then saw it posted at JoS. Here's the email:

Complimentary offer to all GroupMail customers

Dear Ryan Smyth,

As the end of 2007 fast approaches, the GroupMail product has now been on the go for roughly 12 years.

One thing you may not be aware of, is that the vast majority of new GroupMail users come to us on the back of personal recommendations from friends and colleagues who are already existing GroupMail customers. This is something we are very proud of and it shows at least some of the time, we are doing something right.

As a token of our appreciation for all these recommendations, we are offering all existing customers a complimentary license of GroupMail 5 Personal Edition, to do with as you choose. So give it to a charity, school, club, friend or colleague that might find it useful, or use it yourself in your own organization for an additional user - your call.

To avail of this offer, simply enter the details of the beneficiary at the following link, and we will setup up their license as soon as we can. If you are giving the license to a friend or colleague, please inform them beforehand.

Link: group-mail

Note: This link will expire on Dec 31st and is limited to one use.

Thank you once again for all your support, and on behalf of the GroupMail team, have a great holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

Warm regards
Robert Martin,
Infacta Ltd

Anyways, if you have GroupMail, don't ignore the email! :)

edit by jgpaiva: fixed link (hopefully)

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