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Living Room / Poo time?
« on: March 18, 2008, 10:47 PM »
2 years on the can...

US authorities are trying to work out why a Kansas woman spent two years on her boyfriend's toilet - so long that by the time he called emergency services her skin had grown around the lav's seat.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :redface: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? What?

The Register just rocks. They get all the important stories! ;)

Living Room / TV Characters -- Love / Hate -- By Show
« on: March 18, 2008, 09:12 AM »
Ok, time for another, "Let's poll the DC people to find out (almost) meaningless stuff!" ;)

So -- By TV show, name characters that you LOVE and that you HATE!

I'll start with a few shows:

Stargate Atlantis:
LOVE: Rodney McKay

1) He's Canadian :)
2) He's just brilliant!
3) He knows he's brilliant!

HATE: Teyla Emmagan

1) God! She's just annoying! When will they finally kill her off!
2) She makes me want to vomit (see Deanna Troy below)


LOVE: The Devil

1) He's the Devil! ;)
2) He cracks me up!

HATE: None really, but Andi comes close.

And now for the geek-fest-silliness!

Star Trek (TNG):

LOVE: Data

1) He just rocks!
2) He was hilarious in Night Court!
3) Brent Spiner just rules in anything he does --- he really makes the role work!

HATE: Most of the rest of the characters...

1) Worf was a pussy (bad writers for him - he could have been very cool)
2) Deanna was a freak and regularly made me want to vomit
3) Wesley was a weannie
4) Riker was the male freak counterpart of Deanna

Picard was salvation for the rest. He picked up so much slack for so many weak characters. Without Picard, the show would have sucked.



HATE: None

Just wicked writing for some amazing actors! Ka D'Argo is what Worf should have been.

I tried to pick just 1 for each there. Didn't make it for all of them, but close.

So, what kind of tastes does everyone else have?

Living Room / Crashed HDD :)
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:31 PM »
Oh, you're gonna love this crashed hard disk! :D

Living Room / Favorite TV Episode???
« on: March 12, 2008, 09:10 AM »
Not your favorite TV show. Specific episode...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 6 - Episode 7 -- Once More, with Feeling

Off-the-hook crazy, insane amazing! Music. Plot. It all just works perfectly! This one, it really does go to 11!

(IMDB listing)

Absolutely the most brilliant TV episode I've ever seen. Better than anything from The Prisoner (imdb), The Twilight Zone, or anything else.

There are a lot of very good ones out there, but I won't list them all... That's YOUR job! :)

So... Favorite episodes... (Not shows.)

Developer's Corner / How Do You Like to Approach Database Design?
« on: March 01, 2008, 09:38 AM »
Spinning off from another thread...

So? What do you like to do? Hate to see? Scream/cry when you see?

I like to a bit beyond 3rd normal form for a lot of things. I'm certainly not shy about spinning off data into a 1:1 identity relationship to ease the load on a table and keep less "immediate" data in another table (or to keep the table small -- they have limits for row size).

One thing that makes me scream inside is when I see structures that are below the 3rd normal form.

Another thing that makes me scream inside (and sometimes outside) is seeing tables with extra columns to store derived data in a parent/child relationship that needs to be controlled in code, when the simple and safe solution is to relate the table to itself with a foreign key to indicate the parent in the table.

Basically, any time I see a design where things need to be controlled inside of code, and not in the database, a little piece of me dies...

I do like joining tables on themselves for parent/child relationships. I don't really like it much for anything beyond a single join, but I'd go for 2 or 3 if I know that the usage won't be a problem and that it won't go beyond that.

I suppose that whenever possible, I like off-loading the work to the database.

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