Developer's Corner / Downloading Eclipse... ...noisufnoC
« on: November 14, 2010, 04:28 AM »
And then there's 32 and 64 bit for each... And then there are different versions... And different SDKs require different versions of Eclipse... But don't tell you which 1 of the above is the right version of Eclipse... And then the product comparison matrix doesn't help you... And then...
Really... Like WTF? Isn't Eclipse the most confusing thing? Even just trying to download it is confusing. Like which one do you want/need?
Is it just me?
And yeah... Installing a new SDK that requires god knows what...
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, 99 MB
Eclipse Classic 3.6.1, 170 MB
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, 206 MB
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, 88 MB
Eclipse for PHP Developers, 141 MB
Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers, 108 MB
Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components), 249 MB
Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers, 241 MB
Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers, 188 MB
Pulsar for Mobile Developers, 122 MB
Eclipse SOA Platform for Java and SOA Developers (includes Incubating components), 188 MB
And then there's 32 and 64 bit for each... And then there are different versions... And different SDKs require different versions of Eclipse... But don't tell you which 1 of the above is the right version of Eclipse... And then the product comparison matrix doesn't help you... And then...
Really... Like WTF? Isn't Eclipse the most confusing thing? Even just trying to download it is confusing. Like which one do you want/need?
Is it just me?
And yeah... Installing a new SDK that requires god knows what...