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Developer's Corner / Downloading Eclipse... ...noisufnoC
« on: November 14, 2010, 04:28 AM »

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, 99 MB
Eclipse Classic 3.6.1, 170 MB
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, 206 MB
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, 88 MB
Eclipse for PHP Developers, 141 MB
Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers, 108 MB
Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components), 249 MB
Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers, 241 MB
Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers, 188 MB
Pulsar for Mobile Developers, 122 MB
Eclipse SOA Platform for Java and SOA Developers (includes Incubating components), 188 MB

And then there's 32 and 64 bit for each... And then there are different versions... And different SDKs require different versions of Eclipse... But don't tell you which 1 of the above is the right version of Eclipse... And then the product comparison matrix doesn't help you... And then...

Really... Like WTF? Isn't Eclipse the most confusing thing? Even just trying to download it is confusing. Like which one do you want/need?

Is it just me?

And yeah... Installing a new SDK that requires god knows what...

Google cache for "The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure [Kindle Edition]":

Product Description
This is my attempt to make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certian rules for these adults to follow. I hope to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter sentences should they ever be caught.

Stunned. Just stunned.

A book about raping children...

The underlying issue is self-publication and freedom of speech.

Living Room / Too Stupid to Own a Computer
« on: November 10, 2010, 09:14 PM »
This is sad, but true, and completely hiliarious:

The couple are said to have tricked the composer into believing that, while investigating the virus, they had found evidence that his life was in danger – concocting a story that the virus had been tracked to a hard drive in Honduras, and that evidence had been found that the composer's life was in danger.

And they took him for $6,000,000.

Some people really are too stupid and should never own a computer...

Living Room / Getting an HTC Desire HD -- Android Phone
« on: November 10, 2010, 07:50 AM »
Well, I've decided on getting an Android phone. It was tough to come to that conclusion. Here's a bit of my reasoning.

* iOS - My wife has an iPhone, so I can use that for iPhone development. Rules out iOS phones.
* Windows 7 - While Windows 7 looks promising, and I love .NET and know they support it, there's not enough devices for it out there. (I plan to develop for whatever platform I buy.)
* Symbian - Symbian? Huh? No. I do not smoke crack nor am I mentally handicapped.
* bada - The Samsung Wave - a bada phone... Man... I would LOVE to get one. I know the bada platform inside out, and it ROCKS! (I have done a lot of work for Samsung on the platform.) Sigh... I know too much and can't wait for bada 1.2 to come out. But I need a phone now... (The possibilities in bada are phenomenal.)
* Palm - Like Symbian, I was not dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant.
* webOS - What OS?
* Blackberry - I'm not really interested in them. Meh. That's it.
* What else is there?
* Android - This is the only truly viable platform at the moment. bada will be an up and comer, while Windows 7 will make inroads as well.

So the HTC Desire HD is now available in Australia, and is pretty much the slickest phone out there. It's got specs that will last for a while, and that gives me a few years to work with it. The screen still isn't as good as the iPhone 4 screen, but it's better than others.

Now, is anyone else using Android out there? I'd like to hear what things people like or don't like about it.

Having looked at different phones, if I were to pick one simply out of UI and beauty, it would come down to the Samsung Galaxy S or the Samsung Wave or the HTC Desire HD. (I've currently got a severely allergic reaction to iOS.)

I plan on going to pick it up today/tomorrow (depending on your time zone).

Any last words of caution, encouragement or whatever? :)

Living Room / Unread/Aggregated Topics/Forums
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:16 PM »
Is there a way to extend this:;all;start=0

i.e. To have more there?

Or is there an aggregated forum with all topics from all forums?

I just don't see it right now.

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