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A classical punishing instead correcting lie of thought.

When a patient is sick, first you try to cure it. You do not shoot him. Thats what this university did. Instead of suspending his computer access to the university network, they choose to expel him.

To those defending the expulsion. Would you prefer if he would just keep the vulnerabilities secret and later he or someone else just abuse them? Because knowingly or not thats what you are advocating here.

Living Room / Re: Outing the Internet's worst troll.
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:08 AM »
Should a private organization be allowed to kick out people they don't want?

While people have the right of freedom of speech. Does that means that an entity should be forced to be the vehicle of the speech of others?

I don't care what the person wrote or not. And, as long as the pictures where not obtained illegally, there is nothing illegal on it.  Thus, unless you believe that freedom of speech should be abolished, its not our concern.

That said:
While a person right of freedom of speech should be uphold (irrelevant if you like it or not). The right of another person to ignore or even counter attack with their own speech should also be uphold. As well as the right for an organization no not be used as a medium of that speech.

Would it be ok for a guy to enter a synagogue dress on a gestapo uniform and ask to do a speech on how the Zionist are the scum of the earth and the Aryan race should rise again?


However, the synagogue administration have the right to refuse and tell him to leave the premises. If he refuses, they can call the police, not because of the speech. But because he refused to leave a private property. Whoever owns the premises decides what can be done at it.

The same guy can do their speech on a conversion center where he rented 4 hours. And the conversion center does not have the right to say no once is rented (unless they placed in the contract beforehand). Why? Because for those 4 hours, the room is not theirs, is of the person that rented and is only bound for what is legal and whatever the rent contract stipulates.

So, unless the guy paid Redit to be able to post messages. They had the right to kick him out.

Freedom of speech does not means freedom to force someone else to be the medium of your speech.

Whenever people can take an advantage of something, they will.

Lying is effective. More so if it comes accompanied by some truth.

Since the Internet has become the alternative to Mass Media. And mass Media is all about lying to get people to buy your clients products (so they can charge more to their clients), it follows that the Internet would have become a lying cesspool. And indeed, it has.

Heck, even Wikipedia has being found doing information manipulation, eliminating information that is against the believes of whoever is an op there while putting propaganda as the truth.

But this is not only a problem in the Internet. Lying have become the norm in courts. The trick is doing it in a way that the other party cannot prove that you lied. Bonus points if you buy the judge (far too many ways, not all based on money).

And politics. I wonder if one can make a candidate sign a contract in which if he/she does not makes good on his promises, they are automatically, and personally,  in debt for 1 million, per each incident. Is far too easy to lie and then do the exact opposite of what you said you would do.

So basically an Apple Genius is a trained hypocrite.

Good to know.

Living Room / Re: Apple v Samsung Verdict is in
« on: August 26, 2012, 09:59 PM »
My intermediate thought was:
"Of that billion, How much was the judge paid?" There are MANY ways in which you can buy a judge. Some with money, some without. Some indirect, some direct.

Then I remembered: "Never blame evil that with stupidity can explain."

So instead of thinking that the judge was corrupt, I ended up thinking that the judge was just a useful moron.

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