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General Software Discussion / beeping, cheeping, chirping :-(
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:53 PM »

Sometimes all sounds played in Windows (2000) are totally f*cked up for no apparent reason, it's more some kind of chirping or beeping instead of the regular Windows samples. Same happens when I try to play something in Winamp or other programs then :(

I used to reboot my PC when this happened, but recently I found out that closing most of the running apps and giving the PC a few minutes to 'recover' is enough. Weird, huh?

Any ideas what could cause this? Any fixes?

You probably all know - right?

Today I found - offering a biiiig list of such sites. Wow!

This isn't really a review, but I think it kinda fits in here :)


I stumbled of the Firefox extension for more than once, but haven't installed it myself yet. I think I should! Any users on DC?

General Software Discussion / wanted: nice and small screensaver
« on: January 03, 2006, 01:01 AM »

thanks to Carol I'm now using .

Stardust Screen Saver Controlâ„¢ 2003 is a free taskbar accessory that lets you launch and configure all your screen savers.

4Launch default screen saver with a single click.
4Select from a list of installed screen savers.
4Launch/configure/disable any screen saver.
4Quickly enable/disable current screen saver.
4Set Windows to randomly pick a screen saver.
4Easy install/uninstall.

Now I need nice and small (I don't want big screensavers that take long to start up) screensaver(s). Do you know a source for nice ones? Artistic, minimalistic, whatever.

Thanks :)

Thanks to skrommel, I'm using a script that checks for the existence of a file:

IfNotExist,D:\data\program files\Autohotkey\daily\0815_%A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD%.txt

If this file doesn't exist, it creates it and starts a process on my PC that I only want to run once a day. My problem: the script is also working when not only the file does not exist, but also when the path itself (D:\data\program files\Autohotkey\daily\) does not exist. So the process is also started when I run AutoHotkey from my USB stick on another PC.

What would be the best way to prevent this?

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