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N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Teaser: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 21, 2010, 04:14 AM »
Thanks Perry.

Dear All, I have made a web site and uploaded the application for some feedback, if any. The application is more or less complete, but as we all developer know, the software always works correctly on developer's machine. So I request you all to help me on this regard.

I have tried to get idea from many big and small web site and tried to make mine as simple and as complete as possible. May be here too someone will give me some valued advise.

Below are the details of the application. Check the web site for more.

Park Cursor Aside
Version 1.0.6
Dated 20 Dec 2010
(c) 2010 Anand K Gupta
Web site:

Description (of the application) :

Whenever you type on keyboard, the mouse cursor is automatically parked (moved)
aside to a defined screen position. This way your view of the input field is not
blocked by the mouse cursor.

Right click on tray icon and select Settings, to define the parking position and
other values.

Benefits (of using it) :

After you click on a input field and start typing, you will notice that the
mouse cursor is blocking your view to the input field. You have to move the
mouse to see the input field properly. Sometimes this creates irritation.

Further if you are reading a webpage and using up/down keys to scroll the page.
Now if the mouse cursor is somewhere on the middle of the page and a link
happens to come near the it due to up/down movement of the page, some poup may
open due to mouse over javascript, which you did not intended and distract you.
This again forces you to move the mouse cursor aside.

Park Cursor Aside does this all for you automatically.

Installation (on computer) :

Unzip all the files into a directory you want, then launch it.

Hope you will find it useful.



N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 18, 2010, 02:25 AM »
Thanks Mouser for the encouragement  :)

I have nearly complete the application and also made a web site for download and feedback. I am using the application daily to iron out any problems detected.

Now what ? When do I send the link of the website and the details of the application ? Do I have to send it on the night of 31 December 2010 ? Also adding a message in this thread will do or I need to post somewhere else ? Please guide.



N.A.N.Y. 2011 / NANY 2011 Pledge: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 06, 2010, 10:29 AM »
I like to pledge to make a freeware in the line of Cursor Hider (which is shareware). I found this utility useful for me, but expected it to be a freeware, as the logic seems obvious (as a programmer). After Google did not help in such freeware utility and also here at Donation-coder I could not find such, so I made a crude one which does similar job for me.  
I pledge to make it a proper utility so that user (non-programmers) can use it easily.

Since this is my first pledge in Donation-coder, please guide me if I am pledging wrong.

Another utility I found as pledge (teaser) which I am trying to make i.e. User-Editable Help Menu. I actually was planning in the line of a separate utility in tray, which will monitor all open programs and show some indication if any notes for the program is available, also allow to add/edit/view the notes for it. This I do not think, I will be able to make by Dec 2011 end. Hope some one else may make it.


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