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N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 28, 2010, 12:48 AM »
Hmm. understood, "Exclude programs" list option is the suggestion.

I will need some time to implement the same, but let me tell you why I made PCA.

1. I work mostly in text editor, coding application, and the mouse cursor shows as a bar some where on the codes, which makes it difficult to read the code behind it.
2. When I do searching on the browser, the mouse cursor creates same problem in troubling me reading the text and also some times enabling some mouse over activity on the web site, like auto menu drop down or auto image enlargement.
3. When I fill some text, number etc. in some form in a application or website, the same mouse covers the input field.

In all these above cases the program in use is not important, but my vision to the text on which I am working is important and the mouse cursor is creating hindrance to it. I want the mouse cursor to behave like my slave rather than I have to lift my hand from the keyboard and physically move the mouse each and every time I am working on some text.

So unless and until you face problem with the mouse cursor, PCA is useless. People do face the problem so much that there is a shareware application "Cursor Hider" available for some 20$. PCA was born because I expected this simple feature to be freeware.

Hope I have be able to clarify the purpose of the application.


N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 27, 2010, 12:18 PM »
Dear @Ath, "Park Cursor Aside" works with all applications.

Windows built in mouse hider do not work with all applications. Hence I made "Park Cursor Aside".


N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 27, 2010, 12:04 PM »
Dear All,

The final version of Park Cursor Aside is released today.

Version 1.1.0

- New: "Disable" option in tray menu. You can select "Disable" to temporarily disable the mouse cursor parking.
- New: Auto changes tray icon color to green when mouse cursor is parked and to white when parking is disabled. This will help you in visually knowing the state of the application activity.
- Changed: Internal logic changed to speed up key trapping.

Please keep sending suggestion, to make it even better.


NANY 2011 Entry Information

Application Name Park Cursor Aside
Version 1.1.0
Short Description Whenever you type on keyboard, the mouse cursor is automatically parked (moved)
aside to a defined screen position. This way your view of the input field is not
blocked by the mouse cursor.
Supported OSes WinXp and higher
Web Page
Download Link
System Requirements
  • WinXp or higher
  • 512 or more RAM
  • 1 MB or more free hard disk space
Author Anand K Gupta

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / N A N Y 2011 Pledge - Partial Download
« on: December 24, 2010, 12:21 PM »
Christmas Surprise!

You see I needed an application to "partial download" a file, specially large movie file, from a given url.

Reason: This is a season of wishing each other and sending some thing to smile big or small. My mail group and individual friends send me sometimes movie file, which contains, say a funny situation of a couple on gift purchase. I do smile after watching it. So far so good. Now the problem is, another of my friend sends me the same movie but in different name and he writes only "Enjoy!". This file happens to be 84MB!! Just imagine my face after downloading on paid connection, I find the same movie, albeit in better and bigger resolution, but same.

So I need to download the first few bytes, say 1MB, of the same and check it in GOM Player. If I have watched it earlier or if it is not of my liking, I will not download it.

I searched and could not find any file down-loader which I can tell to download just 1MB or so of the file. If I cancel a download in middle, the file gets deleted. Forget about using it as background job.

Solution: I made one, yesterday.

This application is both and money and time saver for me now, but may not be useful for others, so please advise me if I should pledge it here?

Merry Christmas.


N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: cursor mover (hider)
« on: December 22, 2010, 11:52 AM »
Thank you all for the feedback.

Thanks for the suggestion, Skwire. We will try to implement the enable/disable option. Yes we are polling the mouse cursor and keyboard but no such visible flicker shows here. Anyway will try to add some delay in polling.

Worstje, before making this application, we tried built in Windows setting, in fact it is enabled still now, but it only work well in MS programs. Other programs like Chrome, auto re-enable the mouse cursor or ignores this setting.

Hope to see more feedback. Thanks again.  :)


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