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Hi questorfla,

I have faced the same situations and wanted the same things. Many a site and also some software (aka folder lock etc.) require password with capital, number and special characters which makes entering them complicated behind asterisks.

I have been locked out in two/three situation, although I can swear that I was correct still I was left swearing against the site.

I found one solution and created another one.

1. I use JC&MB Quicknote and enable "Focusless input". After that when I type in the password box the letters are auto typed in the quicknote box, which I can see and confirm if it is correct or not.

2. I type the password in a new notepad window. Copy it and use Paste Text Like to "Mimic Typing" on the password box, since these password box do not allow copy-paste. Then I close the notepad window without saving.

I now use the point 1 above when I am creating a new account and need to enter a new password. And the point 2 when I am entering the password in a website.

See if they can be of any help.



Thanks 4wd, your vbs script find is really very useful, when needed.  :Thmbsup:



Living Room / Why material design was designed !!
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:52 AM »
In my humble knowledge, Google required a very bare minimum interface for its Android, as cheap mobiles have less power and battery. More the graphics more the strain on CPU and battery. Then MS copied it for its Win10, same reason for its WinPhone and Surface tablet. It is like having sheets of paper with text written on them. Some may have different color or a box drawn around them but most are just plain text.

But for God's shake, think of desktop users. We do not have problem with cpu and battery.  :tellme:

I really feel pissed off when I have to waste time just touching clicking at all places in finding the place which will act like a "Button"!!!  :mad:

See the few screen shots attached.






In IOBit Uninstaller, CCleaner and MS Settings. We can clearly see that in trying to be material design friendly, they give us high time in playing the game of puzzle to find out which "text" clicked will do what ??

Setting taking so much screen space that it has to be scrolled to get further options, which could have fit in one screen itself. Then blue text is button (Identify) but the bix blue box with 1 is not. ( I have clicked it many times)
CCleaner tab page highlight is reverse, the grey one is not the active tab page.
IOBit needed me couple of time before I understood how to click to uninstall a program. I am not taking about the big circle below, but the program list lines.
Second image of IOBit showing another window over the first one, but looks like it is one window and can not be moved.

In my Android phone, many are becoming material design and I understand their problem and I have to manage there but I do not want to play game on my desktop. Please give me back my buttons, bevel, shadows.



Living Room / Re: Goodbye to my father
« on: May 24, 2016, 03:00 AM »
May his soul rest in peace. Please accept my condolences.

In our last email, you mentioned about your father's health. I can understand your loss.


WOW  :D and Thank you  :Thmbsup:  from DC.

A programmer always feels happy to read such appreciation. It is not always the money but always the good wishes, which make us programmers work hard to put smiles on unknown faces.



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