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General Software Discussion / Re: win10 whats new
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:49 AM »
May be I could clarify myself. I am trying again.

I can read in other people website and blogs, say for example, "Win10 now supports title color etc."

What is the problem with MS not directly mentioning or giving a straightforward webpage with these list. Why someone else have to dig deep and find out and put for the world to see.



General Software Discussion / Re: win10 whats new
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:48 AM »
Not sure whether you will have tried this already:

Yes I did it many times but mostly I get "Critical Error" fix list.

I expect something like below, from another program "changes" file,

// History


  - Brace auto-completion
    * Brace pairs defined in wordfile are auto-closed when opening brace is typed
    * If no braces in wordfile, or if file is not syntax highlighted, "()", "{}", and "[]" are used as defaults
  - String auto-completion
    * Can be disabled for non-highlighted (plain text) files
  - Lightning fast file sorting
    * Sort large files in a fraction of the time of previous versions
    * More efficient memory management when sorting

Is it expecting too much from MS ?



General Software Discussion / win10 whats new
« on: November 10, 2016, 02:34 AM »
Win10 auto updates now and then. It gives me message that "updates installed. learn more". I try to learn more of "what's new in this update" in a "lay user term", but no. It has all sorts of information in various webpages but not a clear cut what it just gave me in this update, other that decreasing my broadband limit.

Is there a way I can see "whats new" in this version/update of Win10 ?



is the newsletter actually needed?  I mean is it something people have requested?

just wondering.

Yes. Maybe not for some but yes for me and some.
It is the newsletter which gives me scope to get all the goodies of DC in one place and scope to not check DC everyday lest I miss some gold here  :)

Case in point I needed something like this for all the urls I have accumulated and was going to develop similar app for NANY 2017, no need now.

Thanks all to Mouser :Thmbsup:, we are always the beneficiary.



All of the above.   :Thmbsup:




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