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N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2019 Announcement
« on: December 31, 2018, 03:51 AM »
Thanks to GOD, I was able to submit my NANY 2019 app Process Started.
Looking forward to adding more features to it.



N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: NANY 2019 - Process Started
« on: December 30, 2018, 04:27 AM »
Thanks Ath for the inspiration.
Yes, the app still has many options to be made but I released it as it does the job intended.
Will add the Settings option for color and other features. Also in the pipe line is to allow to move the window with mouse.



N.A.N.Y. 2019 / NANY 2019 - Process Started - Released
« on: December 29, 2018, 02:51 PM »
NANY 2019 Entry Information

Application Name Process Started
Version 1.0.0
Short Description Displays each process name as and when it is started, by operating system or user, in a focusless window.
Supported OSes WinXp and above
Web Page in progress
Download Link attached at the end of this message

Displays each process name as and when it is started, by operating system or user, in a focusless window.

Displays each process name as and when it is started, so that user knows which process is run auto by the operating system.




To install, extract the zip file in a folder, say "Process Started", and run the "Process Started" exe.

Well, this is what I wanted and I made.
I wanted to keep an eye on the process which runs behind my back. The app still has many options to be made, but it does what I intend it to.

NANY 2019 already has more process lister and watchers, and I was feeling hesitant in adding mine to it.
Also I was not getting enough time to fine tune and polish it, as my earlier NANY apps. Nevertheless I decided in releasing it as I noted it is different in its approach.




1. First I feel the need or is required to accomplish 'something' in fast and easy way.
2. Existing solution do not solve it fully.
3. Pick up the program language which will do it in easy and fast coding.
   (For above I have used AutoHotkey, AutoIt3, Harbour, MiniGUI to name a few, and pick which satisfies most)
4. Make it.
5. Use it and love it.
6. If you feel satisfied and happy, share it with others or release it as NANY :)

I follow it.



DC Website Help and Extras / Re: Is DC attacked again?
« on: December 26, 2018, 04:27 AM »
Yes, most likely.
DC was repeatedly down for few minutes since yesterday 25 dec 2018, as per Uptime robot, I use.

Also noting lots of spam messages in my rss feed, which are deleted by moderator.

So concluding some short of spam attack is there.



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