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General Software Discussion / Re: Frameless v1.1.8 build 1
« on: December 07, 2022, 11:04 AM »
2022... 10 years later and I'm still using frameless ...because it's awesome!

My only issue is that I have been unable to lock the "x=c y=c" so the image that I placed in the center of the screen cannot be moved.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

You can try Overlap Wallpaper for it.




thanks anandcoral. I use that too, but I refer to control the shopping in several platforms.
"control the shopping in several platforms. " Can you please elaborate it ?
What do you mean.
When search for a producto I use google usually.
Or try entering in the platform I think is the best for me for that article.
In each platform I need to revise the shopping I made. So I would like to integrate somewhere. That is why I am asking for software.
At the present moment I use folders or markers to find my products.

Well all platforms have different logic of display and information. Maybe someone can make it for NANY.


thanks anandcoral. I use that too, but I refer to control the shopping in several platforms.
"control the shopping in several platforms. " Can you please elaborate it ?

Well, I use Google. Just type "buy laptop" say, and Google gives images, price, details etc. from various shopping websites.
This gives me a fair idea before making the final purchase.

Looks great!  :up:

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