** in no way i do mean that AHK is virus, but the abilities are in such a wide range, doing positive or negative things...
Ahh..do not demean C++ and all weather VB6 :)
They have the power to surpass AHK in all pos/neg departments. It is only that coding in AHK is easy and creates smallest (comparatively) exe. And yes Ant-Virus do respect MS created or adopted exe(s).
One good example is SysInternals. In the past, their psexec.exe tool that can be used to execute code on remote machine, was detected as Virus by some Antivirus programs, but today, when SysInternals is a part of Microsoft, All Antiviruses show it’s clean, as
you can see from this VirusTotal report.
http://blog.nirsoft.net/2009/05/17/antivirus-companies-cause-a-big-headache-to-small-developers/And yes DC also tried its best for AHK