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Living Room / Re: WhatsApp Backups in Google Drive - Curious
« on: August 24, 2018, 06:47 AM »
Can't be sure of it. But we were always ensured of end-to-end encryption, whatsapp showed text to this effect prominently. So, I think this is new changes they have agreed to.

Giving user the carrot, to get the data.

Remember Gmail always prefers and request you to archive and not to delete !



Android Apps / Re: Updating my Android Apps
« on: August 24, 2018, 06:43 AM »
While we are on the subject of G preferring ads in apps, this one takes the cake, I think.
Nothing in particular to any app or developer, so I have tried to remove identity.




Living Room / WhatsApp Backups in Google Drive - Curious
« on: August 23, 2018, 11:28 AM »
I got email that, "Due to a new agreement between WhatsApp and Google, WhatsApp backups will no longer count against Google Drive storage quota."

Good news for many. I tried to look between lines why G is so generous. Found below text in the middle of webpage at "Backing up to Google Drive"

"Important: Media and messages you back up aren't protected by WhatsApp end-to-end encryption while in Google Drive."

Though, I feel, it should have been the first line at top and highlighted. So now Facebook (the parent) and Google both can use the user data without any legal obligation.



dmd7978, let me explain. When you are giving some charity, do not try to judge the people lining for it.
If you are putting something in public domain, the all 'public' has access to it, including rich and poor.

Anyway, I suggest make zip file of your code, make some screen shots, write some description and put it here in DC Forum. Follow Skrommel. Take advise of Mouser.



Hi Nicholas,

highend01 already gave to solution. Still I have attached two batch files I use to "delete all but latest 6 zip files in all subdirectories", i.e. instead of size it checks date. Since they are batch files, you may modify them as per your requirement.



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