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Messages - Giampy [ switch to compact view ]

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What do you think about ARJ?

General Software Discussion / Re: Ninotech Free Context Menu Tools
« on: October 05, 2009, 02:46 PM »
I have regularly installed Copy Path 4 but in the context menu I don't see the new item.
What might be wrong?


In certain countries those fires are a daily plague during the hot season and they are almost always arsons. Someone burns woods to build houses and palaces on that ground (and of course to sell them...). In those countries fire is a business.

What about the fires in California? Which is their origin?
What about the Californian legislation? Is there a hard law that prevents people from building on burnt grounds?


General Software Discussion / Re: Open dos window from here
« on: August 22, 2009, 07:33 AM »
Thank you for your answers.
I solved the matter by Alt+Return, that shrinks the full-screen window. Then I found out that Windows (95) holds the last set up, Windows holds the reduced window, even after a reboot (I really believed the contrary).


General Software Discussion / Open dos window from here
« on: August 13, 2009, 04:54 PM »
By Powertoy I have installed the function "Open dos window from here" (or similar) so that pointing on a folder it is possible to open a Dos window whose prompt showes the same path of the folder. It is very comfortable. Unfortunately that window is the typical Dos full-screen window, the all black one that completely hides the desktop. That is not comfortable instead. In fact when I use Dos I always use a normal (medium) sized window within the desktop.
That function acts into the registry, where a is started. Then I ask you: is there a way to start opening a normal (medium) sized window? Or do you know any other remedy?

Note: I have referred to of Windows 95 but the question might interest several users of following OS too.


Living Room / Re: Giampy... how does it sound?
« on: June 30, 2009, 05:46 AM »
Thank you for your answers.
I have realized my nickname is acceptable, then I am no longer worried about it.


Living Room / Giampy... how does it sound?
« on: June 29, 2009, 06:50 AM »
I use Giampy as nickname for several forums and I wonder how it appears to foreign peolple. Does it sound stupid or hateful or troublesome? What word (in your native language) does it remind you?


Skrommel's Software / AutoClip and Windows 95
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:01 AM »
Being a dinosaur I still use Windows 95. Yesterday I tested AutoClip 4.0. That program didn't work well and I even got an error about the registry. No damages occurred though.
I suppose W95 is not suitable for AutoClip but I can't exclude other reasons.
Would someone clear my doubt?


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