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Screenshot Captor / Re: Auto-capture in certain interval of time
« on: March 19, 2008, 02:21 AM »
I have been using SC for years and  never noticed the [Engage Auto-Capture Timer] option located on the Right-Click menu of  the SC tray icon ... probably because I never needed to create serial captures.

Thanks again for a great product ... Charles

No need to add screencast recording to this wonderful product ... no need to compete with the high end screen recorders like Camtasia (which cost $300) and there are lots of free and inexpensive tools that do screen recording on the cheap and  low end of the market. Screenshot Captor should continue  to be quick and responsive with as small of a memory and resource footprint as possible.

Feature ideas & enchancements

1) add save options of  single/multi-page PDF and multi-page TIFF
2) add MiniCap functionality to trigger a running ScreenshotCaptor to silently capture a specific  area, window or screen or entire workspace from the command-line in a .bat file
3) better callouts
4) better rubberstamp tool

Thanks again for a great product.

PS I ran a 2 week demo of the latest version of Snagit (8.2.3) and the only features I really thought were outstanding are its vector based callouts & rubberstamp features.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Title bar at Startup
« on: November 01, 2007, 04:24 PM »
Truncated Window/Title Bar does occur on ~66% of Vista startups ... SC v 2.37.03 & Vista Ultimate


Screenshot Captor / Re: Title bar at Startup
« on: November 01, 2007, 11:54 AM »
Hi ... sorry.  Since Mouser is actively monitoring this thread, I was taking the opportunity to address this and other issues while I had his attention.  My reply was meant for Mouser.

Later ... Charles

Example of window I would like to auto-capture on change/update is below ... small window filled with various types/sizes of text boxes that all update together every 2 or 3 minutes.


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