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General Software Discussion / Re: Let go of your bookmarks!
« on: July 12, 2008, 03:43 AM »
gmail has been my bookmark system for 2 years, since I found .
virtually everything, I found interesting while surfing and browsing, I will just hit my script in the booksmarks, and it goes with link to my gmail account.
till now, I have 40,000 *emails* or links in my gmail account, of course, not all from, but half of them? sure.
and if I need something, I just use some keywords, and gmail usually gives me the correct file I was looking for.
Rather than, which might also have lots of junk in between the results.

General Software Discussion / Re: internet information manager...
« on: January 05, 2008, 05:22 PM »
i have been using for two years now a combination of textsaver
(unfortunately, its only available in german, but i am sure, there must be some english equivalent somewhere)

and to store a copy of everything that i found useful, in my gmail account. with that, i can easily run search in my gmail account, and find it later again.

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« on: January 05, 2008, 05:06 PM »
not sure if it does exactly does what you want (hotlinking) but has 50 GB of free storage.

General Software Discussion / Re: roboform2go or sticky password?
« on: November 06, 2007, 10:57 AM »
I have also found this program. But did not have had the time to test it:
SignupShield smart password manager

they also have a portable version.
like roboform though, its only good for 10 free pw, after that you have to pay.

General Software Discussion / Re: Libra - organizer software
« on: September 30, 2007, 07:58 AM »
I think, getlibra looks good, but as i am used to do most things online nowadays, i was searching for an online version, and found this, maybe some of you might like it as an alternative to shelfari:

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