Messages - assk7 [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2008 / Re: Tim - Image to Text Converter
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:03 AM »

I am looking for the reverse one - from text to image converter.
When I look the email source that has image - it shows as in text format in source view.
I can edit that text and want to convert that edited text to image format - just want to edit the original image .
Is there any program exists ?


Thank you, Shades


What free program to check and identify when other programs uses what .dll files when they start and run ?

I have one writing program that uses her own .dll file when it runs. When that program runs , I can use the other as well. I like to pick that relevant
.dll file and run all the time when windows load up.


Finished Programs / Re: AltTab Fingertips v1.3 - 14 Jan 08
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:42 PM »
Good, really.
Can you make Preferences to other keys like z or x ? As it now only Up, Down, Left and Right are available.
I try recording with AutoIt  - AU3Record.exe (ver 31.1) and it doesn't work.

My experience with Free version is bad.

I ran one time and while reading the first time on its GUI , my comp abrupt shut down with a bang and reboot it.

Second time I ran , I scan the craps, OK so far, then abrupt shut down and reboot comp again.

third time after 3 days doing nothing , I ran it , within one minute did the same again.

My OS is XP and I have Crap Cleaner

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