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Living Room / Net Neutrality, Good for Innovation?
« on: November 25, 2007, 06:48 PM »
Half Bytes
The inherent problem is that if no one can profit from innovation then who can we count on to improve the internet?
Can we actually count on the government to provide the necessary improvements to the web to take it through this century?
Personally I can't think of anything the government has become involved in that turns out for the best, normally what you end up with is bloated and outdated bureaucracies that fail on too many levels to provide the essential services needed.

Backing up Data with your printer
PaperBack is a free application that allows you to back up your precious files on the ordinary paper in the form of the oversized bitmaps.

images added:
Screenshot - 10_2_2007 , 10_50_24 AM_thumb.png

Living Room / Problem Windows Genuine Advantage
« on: August 25, 2007, 03:13 PM »
Microsoft's WGA not validating

Started seeing this being reported around the web. OS's affected are WinXP and Vista.

Living Room / iPhone Hacked
« on: August 24, 2007, 10:53 PM »
iPhone Hacks

Well it looks as if the exclusivity between Apple and AT&T can't survive the world of cyberspace. Three seperate hacks for the iPhone are now available with 2 claiming to be software only.

Living Room / Fair Use
« on: August 01, 2007, 11:08 PM »
Fair use and the Web

A little opinion and a couple of interesting links on Fair Use.

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