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General Software Discussion / Re: Wanted: Simple EML viewer
« on: June 20, 2018, 01:47 PM »
here's another one, just in case...


That one is nice & simple. I'll hold on to it. Thanks!  :)

The company behind Ghostery, a privacy-focused browser and an ad-blocking browser extension,  has apologized for a technical error that occurred last Friday when its staff was sending out GDPR-themed notification emails.

According to numerous user reports, Ghostery sent out emails that exposed the addresses of other users.

The emails were sent to batches of 500 users at the same time, and every user in each batch was able to see the email addresses of the other users.

Screenshot - 5_31_2018 , 3_41_26 AM.png

Also, if you are going to keep running XP, you should probably make yourself very familiar with this section of the MSFN forum:

Have you tried doing any of the following?

Go here:

Click on Manual Install in the sidebar.

Make the settings in the search panel match these and download the file shown.

Screenshot - 5_30_2018 , 1_18_39 PM.png

Install it.

Then head here to download and install "Update for WES09 and POSReady 2009 (KB4019276) "

Once you have done all this, it should reduce the number of security errors you see when visiting websites. Oh, and don't use IE, because the version of IE you have in XP was never updated to support TLS 1.1 & 1.2, so even with this patch, IE probably still won't work very well. But this should help Chrome/Chromium-based browsers.

Idle offtopic wish: That the at-sign did actually signal you in some way on this forum...  it would definitely be a help to bring people into a conversation or signal the person.

It's become somewhat of a habit for me to do that, due to using a Discourse forum at work. (but I still hate Discourse and prefer SMF)

Maybe mouser can add a plugin for mentions?

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