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N.A.N.Y. 2021 / NANY 2021 Entry: Free Movies (website)
« on: December 04, 2020, 11:45 AM »
NANY 2021 Entry Information

Application Name Movies - Watch online for FREE!
Short Description Directory of movies that can be streamed online for free.
Supported OSes any
Web Page
System RequirementsA modern browser
Author app103


This is a directory of movies that can be streamed online, for free. No movies are hosted, instead links to sites are provided, with an emphasis on sites where the movies can be streamed legally, for free. Occasionally, Youtube links are included, especially when they are of good quality and the video players can be embedded into the page, regardless of if they are officially licensed by the uploader or not. Movie providers are sites such as Pluto, Crackle, TubiTV, Plex,, Youtube, Roku, Popcorn Flix, Peacock, IMDBtv, and a few others.

I built this mainly because I was automating the importing of things I watch to one of my social media profiles, and there was an interest from subscribers there for links where they can watch those movies online. I figured if I am going to go through the trouble to do that, I might as well go all the way and build a movie website. :)

  • List by genre or year.
  • Search for a movie using title or keywords
  • Editor's Choice list (these are movies I really liked)
  • Alphabetical list page
  • Facebook page where you can subscribe to be alerted to a new movie every day, 6PM EST.

Individual movie pages have info, including the following
  • genre list
  • year
  • MPAA rating
  • visitor star rating (1-5 stars) (please rate the movies you watch)
  • Description
  • Embedded video player (when possible)
  • List of sites where it can currently be streamed for free

Planned Features
Adding lots more movies!

Right now, I am currently adding lots of Christmas themed movies (comedy, drama, horror, etc.), since that's the next holiday coming up.

If there are any specific features you would like to see added, I am open to suggestions.

Also, if there are any specific movies you want to see added, send me a message via the Contact page on my site, and I'll see if I can find links for it.

Blank spaces are where the ads and/or video players would normally be embedded.

Main page:
main page.png

Individual movie page:
movie page.png

No installation needed. It's a website.

Using the Application
It should be fairly intuitive. If you can't figure it out, let me know, because that would be a sign that I need to make it more intuitive.


If you have any troubles viewing a movie on a destination site, such as the video will not play or the destination page will not load correctly, try turning off your ad blocker or using a different browser. Some sites, such as Peacock, only seem to want to work in the most popular browsers, and not others. Chrome is usually a safe bet.

Known Issues

- Embedded Youtube videos do not work in Opera browser on Android. (I believe this is an Opera issue)

- Sometimes links go dead. If that happens, and there are no current valid source links, I will remove all links till I find new sources. Since the site is still new, I am not removing individual movie pages when links are removed. However, I will start doing that once the search engines like the site more. So, you may come across the occasional movie that can't be streamed for free, at this time.

- Provided video links can be viewed in US/Canada. If you run into a country restriction, try using a VPN or proxy with a US/Canada IP address.

You could take a shot at a freebie from PMlogos. If you don't like it, you haven't lost anything.

But I'd recommend the upgraded package for $30, if you do like the results but it just needs a little tweaking.


My biggest problem with Youtube Music is that you'd think with all the data Google has on me already, they'd be able to recommend music that I might actually like. But no, they can't. Their "Endless Personalized Music" is chock full of pop & rap, and the occasional classic rock track. That's 2 genres I don't listen to, plus 1 that I only occasionally listen to, when I am in the right mood for it.

And they keep shoving country music at my husband. He hates country music. His tastes are what I call "classic rock party music." The kind of stuff that gets everybody singing along. (think George Thorogood)

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: August 18, 2020, 06:51 PM »
I was just shoved the 2004 update, which wrecked my Bluetooth power management, resulting in constant disconnections. Had to revert back to 1909 to make my mouse and headphones usable again.  :(

Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« on: May 06, 2020, 01:49 PM »
I recently bought this piece of exercise equipment to use, while not leaving the house. It's ok for use while seated, but feels awkward when using it standing up, partly because of its short stride, and partly because of the angle of the pedals. It won't get your heart rate up there like going for a brisk walk will, but it does help to burn off some of the calories, without disturbing my downstairs neighbor. It didn't cost all that much and doesn't take up that much storage space.


[ Invalid Attachment ]

There's a bakery in my state that has taken it a step further and includes a poo cupcake with their toilet paper cakes, and they deliver!


You thought you stocked up, but...


SitePoint has decided to give all Australian students/educators (with an email that ends in a free premium membership until Jan 2021. https://go.sitepoint...l/y/7C44EBBCDE7C854F

Disclosure: I work for SitePoint but they have not compensated me nor encouraged me in any way to make this post.

Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« on: March 28, 2020, 12:48 PM »
Microsoft have 'mouse without borders' which does the same thing. It's a more user friendly version of synergy.
One thing to be aware of, if you are actually connected to the computer that is at the other end of the house and then you have moved control to the computer you are actually sitting at, the mouse is very very very sluggish. It took me a whole day to work that one out once!
-absoblogginlutely (March 28, 2020, 08:32 AM)

I have not experienced that with Flow. File copy/paste between machines is a bit slower than you would have if copy/pasting from one folder to another on same machine, but that is to be expected.


With more people working from home, I thought this thread about How to Work from Home might be useful for keeping focused in these trying times.

There's also my Instant Boss, which can help you break the time into little chunks, that may be easier to handle.

Well, I am one of those people that not only has to work (remotely), but also have extra work to do. So, that's good.

Since I work for an e-learning service, I am going to suggest something that is obvious to me, but might not be that obvious to others. Now is a great time to study something, or get some new skills. There are a lot of online courses you can take, some of them are even free.

If you are stuck at home with a noisy person and just don't want to hear them any more, slap on some headphones and listen to music. Even if you aren't listening to any music, wear the headphones any way. It does prevent people from bothering you to a certain degree, since they don't know there's no sound flowing through them, unless you tell them. So, they won't bother you as much while you are wearing them, because they think you can't hear them.

If you just need a space to get away from the people you live with, try your basement or attic. I've been going down in my basement to walk laps (big basement). You can still go outside, as long as you stay away from people. Go prepare your garden for planting, if you have one. Hang out on a lawn chair or hammock, in your backyard or on your deck, and read a book.

If you are stuck at home with your family or kids, have a spring BBQ with them, play some board games, do some crafts together.

Start a new project, finish an older one, clean your closets, garage, attic, or basement, start work on your NANY2021 project :D, crochet or knit a sweater, scarf, hat, scrap afghan, or whatever, sew up all the holes in your clothing.

Remember all those thing you said you'd do when you get around to it? Well, here's your "round tuit"!


If you really have nothing to do and can set up a VM with some old unsupported version of Windows, PM me, I have a huge software testing project you can help with.

And if it helps, don't think about what is really going on out there. Turn off the TV and/or radio and stay off social media and news sites, Indulge in a bit of mental fantasy, Try to tell yourself that there's a huge blizzard going on, and just stay inside where it's warm & dry. It's really not that much different, except there won't be any snow to shovel when it's all over. Or pretend you are living on a space station.

Whatever you decide to do, try to ENJOY your unplanned vacation and stay healthy!

Living Room / Re: A Rogue Goose...for your Desktop....
« on: March 16, 2020, 06:49 AM »
I really miss E-Sheep from back in the 90's. Excellent but sadly 16-bit desktop "pet".

You're welcome!  8)

I think it enables both. It allows you to post to various social media from a single location (write once, deploy everywhere). But it also allows you to receive and respond to messages on specific social media services.

Write once, deploy everywhere, and never have to bother logging into any of the sites where you deploy, or bother reading any responses. It's a one-way approach to social media that lots of big companies take. In fact, it's pretty much how we approach social media, too, since our Twitter and Facebook posts are all automated through a 3rd party service, using an RSS feed.

If anyone wants to get our attention and the post isn't here on this forum, or in the IRC channel, or an e-mail to mouser, there's a good chance that nobody will see or respond to it. Trying to get our attention on Facebook is not as effective, and getting our attention on Twitter is near impossible.

And this is no different than most companies, that use these platforms to broadcast content, rather than as chat platforms.

General Software Discussion / Re: Paint Shop Pro 7
« on: February 16, 2020, 09:09 PM »
Which part of that is the clone brush? :huh:
The top two pix, #1 & #2, were all that I could find on youtube; both had unwanted writings, but in different places.

To get the initial pictures, in Windows 10, I grabbed my screen shots by pressing [logos + shift + s] in playback mode to hide youtube progress bar. Then I saved the two images in .jpg format for maximum compatibility.

Then, what I did was to transfer clean imagery from the same area in #1 to the same area in #2 which was over-written with the writing.
The result was the lower, third image, with all unwanted writing removed.
There were a few technical details; setting a convenient brush size (about half the height of the lettering in #2); and round or square brush shape; getting close-up magnification to make sure the selected pixel in #1 and #2 were the exact same pixels (I chose the lightest pixel in the angel's eye); then backing off and reducing both images to 50% of normal size to work with, and setting hardness, density, thickness, and opacity all to 100% for one-pass results.
Then you right-click on clean copy in #1 for pick-up, and left-click on the same spot in #2 for lay-down. I 'think' that's what I did; as the vintage kid's game commercial goes; "It's all in the wrist action." :)

My daughter did something similar, recently, with a couple of group photos of herself and some friends. None of the photos came out great. At least 1 person in each of them had odd expressions on their face, or was looking in the wrong direction.

What she did was choose the 2 best photos, the easiest to work with, and then work in layers, erasing the face of one person, allowing their face from another photo from the series to show through from the layer beneath. No clone brush needed.

I probably would have done the same in the above images that you used, erasing the text on one layer, allowing the 2nd image to show through from the bottom layer, then merging the 2 layers, once all the text had been removed. You can also move the bottom layer around, if necessary, to ensure they line up correctly. Since those 2 images are exactly the same, except for the text, it would probably be even easier than what my daughter had to work with.

General Software Discussion / Re: Paint Shop Pro 7
« on: February 10, 2020, 05:02 AM »
I still have the free PSPX installer from this offer, if anyone needs it.  Read the whole thread before deciding if the fuss & bother is worth it, though.

Personally, I'd just stick with Jasc's v7, 8, or 9, instead, and avoid any of the Corel versions.

General Software Discussion / Re: Paint Shop Pro 7
« on: February 09, 2020, 09:01 PM »
What makes you think it is corrupted while 4wd says it works?

The reason I ask is because I used MDF to ISO to convert my PSP8 MDF to an ISO and when I try to mount the ISO it says it is corrupt and can't be mounted. So I decided to bite the bullet and burn the MDF to a CD with ImgBurn and then rip that CD back into an ISO, and I can mount that one without issue.

I'm not sure what I'm using to try to mount it with. It's a context menu that shows up when I right-click an ISO file. It's been there so long I just assume it came with Windows 10. But maybe it comes with ImgBurn or some similar software I have installed.

I have the same option on my context menu, and it didn't work with the PSP7 ISO....It said it was corrupted. Thinking that it might have been an incomplete download, I downloaded it again, and again, and 3X it failed.

I assumed the mounting option came with Win10, too...or perhaps 7zip? I don't have ImgBurn and I don't think any of my burning software added it, since it never showed up before Win10.

General Software Discussion / Re: Paint Shop Pro 7
« on: February 09, 2020, 12:07 AM »
Many thanks!  :Thmbsup:  I successfully downloaded and installed PSP9. There doesn't seem to be any way to register for updates.

There are no updates. What you have is the fully updated v9, with whatever bug fixes might exist for it. The Jasc servers are long gone, which is why I told you not to try to register it.

Jasc sold the company to Corel 2 months after they released v9, and Corel then released Paintshop Pro X a short time later, and retired all support for Jasc's v9. Corel had no interest in supporting or providing patches for anything that might have been purchased from Jasc, rather than them. It was a money thing. If you want support from Corel, you have to buy a Corel version.

You could also mount these images and then use 'Folder2ISO' to create ISO files. Don't let the look from that page fool you, it is useful software if you are creating ISO files from any folder on your computer.

Handy for installing stuff into an OS in VirtualBox, which is my most frequent use for it. (I have a bunch of old 9x games that won't run very well on Win10)  :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / Re: Paint Shop Pro 7
« on: February 07, 2020, 10:04 PM »  has an ISO for it. But I think it might be corrupted.  :(

PSP 7 ISO downloaded, mounted (DaemonTools), and installed fine on Win10 x64 Pro.

 Good to know!  I'll make a note of that, in case I refer anyone else there. :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / Re: Paint Shop Pro 7
« on: February 07, 2020, 06:26 PM »
Thanks, app103!  :Thmbsup: Any idea what's a safe place to download it from?  has an ISO for it. But I think it might be corrupted.  :(

They also have one for v9 too. And I know that one works.

Both downloads are part of their Vintage Software and CD-ROM Software collections.

To install, download and then double click the ISO file to simultaneously mount it and open it. Then run the PSP9\Paint Shop Pro 9\Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9.msi file. That's the real setup file. (If you get asked for a CD key, you clicked the wrong file) Once you are finished installing, go to This PC in Explorer, right click what looks like a brand new drive with a PSP9 CD in it, and select "eject" to make it go away.

Let me dig into my archive of forgotten software setup files....

Not including the plethora of web apps that are no more, here's my contribution to the list of apps I wish never died:

  • 3M Post-It Software Notes - It was good, till it wasn't...and Notezilla is far better in most areas, but I still miss its alarm manager
  • Acoustica MP3 CD Burner - nothing I have ever tried, burned better gapless audio CD's, but most recent version doesn't work with modern burners or Windows 10
  • AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) - I think in its final days, I only was using it to talk to my daughter from another room, rather than yelling through the house
  • Ad Muncher - If only it worked as well as it used to.
  • Big Fix - Before Windows Update was automatic, this did the trick of keeping Windows 98 updated for you, as well as most software on your system. It sat in your tray and monitored Windows Update for patches and Tucows software repository for new versions of apps and compared the list to what you had installed on your system.
  • Claris EZ Business Cards - (Apple bought Claris and killed everything) I remember setting the image on a card to the desktop wallpaper file from Panorama32, and then hitting the hotkey to change the wallpaper, to print of pages & pages of gift tags. I'd still be using it, if it wasn't for the fact that it's 16-bit and won't run on Win10.
  • Copernic - both their classic web and desktop search apps. Before Google came along, their web search app was the best way to find stuff.
  • Filebox Extender - Yes, it still works, but it looks like parts of XP pasted onto Win10
  • GTalk - Another thing killed by Google
  • Juice - podcast downloader that hasn't been updated in over 10 years
  • MSN Messenger- and all the great 3rd party add-ons. I lost touch with a lot of good people that didn't move over to Skype, when Microsoft shut it down.
  • Newzie RSS reader - still available, but hasn't been updated in over 10 years.
  • Popup Cody - DC forum post notifier (still works but is abandoned)
  • PS Tray Factory- Still available and works for the most part, but it could use some updating for Win10
  • Sam Spade - Still works but could use some modernizing
  • Surfulater - It was one of the Big 3 in note taking software, currently my most recent abandonware frustration (still manually migrating data to a local installation of Wordpress)
  • Winamp - It was bought from AOL by Radionomy, and they promised to continue development, but they don't really seem that interested. A 3rd party that used to be part of the Winamp team at AOL, has taken up patching it and developing plugins to extend functionality under the name of WACUP, in the hopes of eventually releasing his own replacement.
  • WinMX - abandoned by developer a long time ago, small community of diehard users still supporting what they can, but no new client and it's dead for the most part,
  • Xteq X-Setup - this was the king of system tweakers, in it's hayday
  • Yahoo Widgets - I'm still using some of the widgets that still work. Lost the weather widget once & for all, earlier this month, unless I completely rewrite it, myself.

And games too numerous to mention.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Audio Question
« on: January 30, 2020, 11:30 PM »
Nevermind, I figured it out, and it now works with both sets of BT headphones.  8)

(Control Panel->Sound->Playback)

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Audio Question
« on: January 30, 2020, 11:12 PM »
Same as Deo gets, only hardwired audio connection is HDMI to the monitor, an Amazon Echo Dot is my usual output device (over BT) but whenever I connect any of my BT headphones/earphones they then become the default output device.

Only when there is no BT device available will my system revert to HDMI.

So in order of output from lowest: HDMI->Echo (BT)->SoundPEATS TWS (L, R, or stereo) (BT)->MeeAudio Touch (BT)

How/where do you do this in Windows?

"Typing Insights"? - O&O has you covered:

Typing Insights is an opt-in feature that some people actually like, that corrects mistakes and auto-completes frequently typed words for you, based on a personal profile of your typing habits. But to make it work it has to collect data about your typing. While other similar 3rd party apps can manage to save this data locally and not phone home to hand it over to the developers to do with as they please, Microsoft needs to have this data in their control, on their servers, so that it will work with a single profile in the cloud, they say, that will be shared across all computers you log into with your Microsoft account. The profile is also shared with one of their Android speed typing apps.

You can easily turn the feature off, but they make it difficult to clear the typing data from your cloud stored profile, so if you log into another computer with your Microsoft account, it will go right back to suggesting stuff from your existing, cloud stored typing profile. If you want to clear that profile, you'll probably end up wasting more time than you'd care to, googling for how to do it and digging around in Windows for all the hidden settings. (I recently had to help someone do that, when the feature kept suggesting an old, compromised Yahoo account, whenever they were tying to log into their email, on any computer they used, at both work and home.)

But of course, once you do figure out how to clear it, that doesn't mean that Microsoft is going to be a sweetheart and completely delete all the data from their servers, and not keep and use a copy for their own purposes.

People that actually do like the feature aren't going to think about what may be happening behind the scenes, with their data, or possibly not care. And they certainly aren't going to want some 3rd party app like O&O to disable their much loved Windows feature. (my friend that had to clear their profile was upset that they lost their entire typing history and couldn't edit it to remove just the one thing they wanted removed)

Of course it's easy to avoid Typing Insights altogether (and a lot of other "features") by never logging into any computer, not even once, with a Microsoft account and not installing their app on your phone.

Then again, if you keep things in your Google account, your Outlook account or surf the web... they will surely find things out about you (even if you don't have a Facebook account).

As I said before:

Privacy is an illusion. It only exists in your mind, and only for as long as you can keep your thoughts in there and not let any bit of them escape.

It's still safe to sit motionless, calm and expressionless, and just think...for now. But once you do anything else, you are letting your thoughts escape your mind, into a world where you don't have much control over how they will be used by others.

General Software Discussion / Windows 10 Audio Question
« on: January 30, 2020, 06:32 PM »
I am not sure how much of this info is relevant, so I will provide it all.

  • I have a Dell Precision M4800 laptop with Windows 10 Pro.
  • I have this port replicator docking station.
  • I have a set of external speakers plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack of the docking station.
  • I have 2 sets of these wireless bluetooth headphones. (one to use while other is charging)

- When the speakers are plugged in, they become the default for sound.

- When either pair of headphones are connected while the speakers are plugged in, there is no sound through the headphones. Sound continues to come from the speakers, only.

- I must unplug the speakers for the headphones to work.

What I want to happen: When either pair of headphones are connected, Windows should prefer them over the speakers, automatically cut the sound from the speakers, and allow me to listen through the headphones. (without having to unplug the speakers)

Is there a way to make that happen?

Oh, by the way, for Windows 10 users that have Typing Insights turned on, Microsoft is collecting a LOT of data through that, more specifically, everything you type, including user names and passwords, your inner most thoughts you type into your private offline journal, trade secrets from emails you send to people within your company, etc.

Privacy is an illusion. It only exists in your mind, and only for as long as you can keep your thoughts in there and not let any bit of them escape.

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