Messages - dluby [ switch to compact view ]

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Unless I did this accidentally somehow, my 'Copy to clipboard' option was set to Nothing instead of 'Image Bitmap'.  Could you recent changes have caused this or maybe I did it and my sanity comes into question (which is a regular occurrence).

I have 452 images in the folder.  I'll try do some house-cleaning one of these days!

That seems to have fixed it, there's still a slight delay when closing the preferences screen (without making any changes) but it's fine.

The auto adjust selection to fit is a nice feature and works well.  I'll try test the other changes you've made.

I like where you are going with this and something I noticed while testing:
Click on Edit-->Preferences-->My Favourites and then click cancel.  I get a long delay and then the screenshot panel (actually the contents) changes position (same position each time though)

Sorry but how do I download the beta version?

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