« on: May 14, 2009, 10:39 PM »
Hm-mm. Good discussion here about many sensitive issues: downloading transparency, up front information, what is an ad and what constitutes spying. Perfect subjects for the DC site.
I for one when first reading about Open Candy thought the concept seemed somewhat benign, even after reading and re-reading "opposite" sides of the issue.
Until I viewed the 'video'. This is "in you face" advertising. Of course so is most marketing online and to me it's only the Internet version of floor posters in the grocery aisles. Those I never read. However, Open Candy requires that you read their advertising and read it closely and become a participant, willing or otherwise, by tapping your options.
Lastly, this concept lends itself well to a shifting baseline, that is, will this style of marketing creep into general use? Probably, especially when 'names' are throwing money at it, and those (like me) who would rather burn and loot than sell-out, fade away.