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Spot On lanux128.  Thank you.  A simple matter of copying the script and dragging it to a bookmark "bar".  Of course it's only simple if you have someone who knows help.  Thanks again.

The google search url below has a number of entries that describe how to add a string to the end of the search query in the ADDRESS BAR that will filter results within time periods (by dates). It looks like this   &as_qdr=d;tbs=qdr:y&tbo=1

The "idea" is to have a way of adding this with one tap.

General Software Discussion / Re: What the hell is OpenCandy?
« on: May 14, 2009, 10:39 PM »
Hm-mm.  Good discussion here about many sensitive issues: downloading transparency, up front information, what is an ad and what constitutes spying. Perfect subjects for the DC site.

I for one when first reading about Open Candy thought the concept seemed somewhat benign, even after reading and re-reading "opposite" sides of the issue.

Until I viewed the 'video'.  This is "in you face" advertising.  Of course so is most marketing online and to me it's only the Internet version of floor posters in the grocery aisles. Those I never read. However, Open Candy requires that you read their advertising and read it closely and become a participant, willing or otherwise, by tapping your options. 

Lastly, this concept lends itself well to a shifting baseline, that is, will this style of marketing creep into general use?  Probably, especially when 'names' are throwing money at it, and those (like me) who would rather burn and loot than sell-out, fade away.


Hope it's OK to jump in here for quick comment.  I feel that one becomes accustomed to just about any visual change/flash/momentary icon color when you know it's going to or supposed to happen.  For instance all that might be necessary for most users may be a change in the tray "clipboard" icon color, or a momentary indication on near the position of the copy/or paste.

Well, I'm beginning to see how difficult it is to "whittle" down a lot of bright ideas, so, thats my take and hope it can help for the future.  Thanks for your attention.


For users who may not be able to or want an audio confirmation sound on capture, is there a way, or could there be a way, to have some kind of visual confirmation/indication "fire" when copying or pasting?  Thanks.

As a new poster, thanks for the slack. From my perspective the amount of articles someone has written does not make or break an answer.  What does, are the comments "beneath" that say something to the affect; "So and so has a good answer."  Or, "XYX explained it well", no matter if they have a 100 or a 1000 under their name. When there are several of these kind of references, well, I have to think the talent at this site is spot on getting it right. 

Works the other way also.  Opposing ideas maybe mean to me a little more research here or there.  Thanks


(OK, how do you get that witty repartee to show up here at the end...)

Thank you for you quick response!

If I could use keyboard shortcuts more often I certainly would :)  I tried skrommel's Barnacle, and was having some effort to get it right, my blunder I'm sure.  So just looking for something while working to put Barnacle to use (BTW, Barnacle, what a great idea for an app. Sometimes others forget that not everyone can or wants to keyboard).  Thanks again.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Shortcut to Photoshop menu command.
« on: December 15, 2008, 06:14 PM »
This is my first try at coding so please excuse my newness.    When using Photoshop I navigate with a trackball and drawing pad.  I am limited when it comes to using keyboard shortcuts.  Is there a way to select a menu command (for the open window) by tapping a shortcut button.  I tried the following for the command-- Deselect (^D):

Send, ^D

Then made the file into a toolbar.  Although tapping the toolbar will cause the selection to "Deselect", returning to that active window "RE-selects" and I am back where I started.

Thank you for looking at this.  NR

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