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Messages - bft_chromeguy [ switch to compact view ]

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thanks wep!

certainly will look into it, it may help me solve some of the more intricate "swapped letters" misspellings and "wrong double letter" mistakes that happen
eg. I can speel ggod

people, if you are using this list and have your own suggestions for it, PLEASE reply to this thread so I can add them in!!

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: focus get (and keep, for a while)
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:24 PM »
oh wow!! I never knew it would be as easy as "A_TimeIdlePhysical"
I seriously gotta delve into the docs a bit more for AHK...
skrommel, you are my hero  :Thmbsup:

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: focus get (and keep, for a while)
« on: October 29, 2008, 10:00 AM »
hi justice,
your function WorkItBaby is the same as the one in there already WatchWindow. It is already returning focus after the timeout (5 sec)
What I really want is for the timeout to become reset while I type, effectively allowing the current window to retain focus until I stop typing for a period of time.
Ideally mouse movements would reset the timeout too.

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: micro macro
« on: October 26, 2008, 08:07 PM »
If you decide you need more power, try GhostMouse. It can record mouse movement & clicks, and play them back.

Coding Snacks / IDEA: focus get (and keep, for a while)
« on: October 26, 2008, 08:05 PM »
Hi everyppl,

I know this idea is floating around on the boards but I haven't been able to get it working properly.

Basically, I have 2 text windows open - one I want to type into all the time, and one I want to type in for short periods of time.
EG: Dreamweaver and an IM chat.

I want to be able to have the main window (dreamweaver) under focus by default, but I want to be able to click in the chatbox (or any other) and for as long as I am typing there it keeps focus. After an extended period of non-activity (eg, no more typing, say, 5~8 seconds) I want to switch back to the main window (returning to work)

The following code almost does what I want, except for the "keep focus while I am typing" part.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#SingleInstance, force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Inputbox, name, Program to focus, Type the name of the program to keep in focus:, , 250, 150
if name = ; If nothing is entered for the app name exit script
Inputbox, time, How long to wait, How long should I wait before reactivating? (milliseconds):, , 250, 150
If time =
time := 5000
SetTimer, WatchWindow, %time%

IfWinActive, %name%
Sleep 5000
;some if-key-pressed-reset-sleep-timer code
WinActivate, %name%
Thanks in advance

Hi there ppl,

I am working on compiling a massive list of common IM shorthand/misspellings and real english translations.
Sometimes you need to send an email to the boss or to your mum, but can't be bothered typing properly (or can't remember how)

If you have suggestions for the list, by all means let me know so I can add them!
I am using AutoHotKey - feel free to grab the script and try it out!
It is a simple text expander (autocomplete) targeting IM users.

So far I have thus:
;AutoHotKey script by bft_chromeguy
;Translate IM text into real english
;Thanks to:
;Remove endbrackets]) from triggering hotkeys - this is annoying during msn im sessions [k types ok, but (k) makes a kiss, but it gets triggered like: (ok) <--crap]
#Hotstring EndChars [{}:;'"\,.?!`n `t
; -=Personal Dictionary=-
:R:hi ::Hi there (,^^) how's it going?
;(double-tap "spacebar" to activate the following)
::win ::Windows
::winxp ::Windows XP
::winv ::Windows Vista
::win7 ::Windos 7
::rc ::right-click
::lc ::left-click
::mc ::middle-click
::mcx::click on the wheel
::dc ::double-click

; -=Typonese=-

; -=single letters=-

; -=two letters=-
::ic::I see
::jk::just kidding
::nm::not much
::np::no problems
::ru::are you

; -=three letters=-
::bbl::be back later
::btw::by the way
::dno::don't know
::hbu::how about you
::idk::I don't know
::nvm::never mind
::ofc::of course

; -=four letters=-

; -=five or more=-

; -=Capitalisation=-

;::march  <- common regular word. will interfere too much. use doubletap
;::may <- common regular word. will interfere too much. use doubletap

; -=ThreeLetter Space=- (double tap 'spacebar' to use)
::mon ::Monday
::tue ::Tuesday
::wed ::Wednesday
::thu ::Thursday
::fri ::Friday
::sat ::Saturday
::sun ::Sunday

::jan ::January
::feb ::February
::mar ::March
::apr ::April
::may ::May
::jun ::June
::jul ::July
::aug ::August
::sep ::September
::oct ::October
::nov ::November
::dec ::December


•Created Oct26 2008
•Updated Oct30 2008
C'mon people, where's the input? Am I missing something? Is there another program that already does this?
•Updated Nov15 2008
List now contains fixes and additions for many annoying accidental activations.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: The Gradiator
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:18 PM »
Delphi is a really cool IDE  that natively compiles delphi(win32) c# and .net

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Autofocus utility
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:19 AM »
This is an AWESOME program, great for gaming AND chatting at the same time!
However, can I please Request:
* choose my program from a dropdown list of currently running programs (AltTabFingertips does a great dropdown!)
* autofocusback after a user-defined interval of non-activity (see this would be great for chatting/gaming)

I love your program and with these features it could become great

N.A.N.Y. Challenge 2007 / Re: Whats Its Color - December 25, 2006
« on: October 11, 2008, 10:26 AM »
sweet app mate  :Thmbsup:

N.A.N.Y. Challenge 2007 / Re: Sublime v1 december 23, 2006
« on: October 11, 2008, 10:21 AM »
sounds like it duncan. Anyone tried using Delphi? native win32 support is so kickass..... :P

Comodo is #1 firewall
don't forget SuperAntiSpyware (SAS)
and TrojanHunter as excellent targeted tools

I HIGHLY recommend allowing an option for your prog to autoupdate with the latest list from your friends site. Would be easy to do, a simple XML file..

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: XPlorerSkin
« on: October 11, 2008, 09:47 AM »
gexecuter: Thanks for the tip, have update my page with the new (single and fast) link! Feel free to blog all you want!! Cheers!
fenixproductions: Yes, it basically is. It changes one value in the registry. TweakUI and a plethora of other tweak programs can do it too. My program is the first (I think) that shows a preview etc, and I might make a skin editor one day...

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: XPlorerSkin
« on: October 10, 2008, 11:09 AM »
It is in 2 parts on my website coz i use a free host with 500kb filesize limit. The full file is attached to the main post.
Making a skin is as easy as operating MSPaint - take a look at the current skins for an idea on what you should aim for.
Different explorer settings require slightly different skin sizes.
One day - and if enuff people like it - I will make that all automagic. And include a skinmaker. :D

DC Member Programs and Projects / XPlorerSkin
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:36 AM »

Check out my little program: XPlorerSkin
It skins a bitmap to your Explorer window toolbar, as seen in the screenshot.
This can be ANY bitmap or icon file.
NO malware of any kind, it simply changes one single line in your registry.

Try it!

Edit:- No uninstaller included sorry, simply remove the /XPlorerSkin folder and shortcuts

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