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General Software Discussion / Phishtank
« on: December 15, 2006, 09:22 AM »
I just downloaded opera and found that it now has a phishing filter. To test it, i went looking for a phishing archive.
That's how i made this cool find:

Disclaimer: please notice that this is a phishing archive. If you don't know what phishing is, please read this article first. Do not introduce any personal information in any site you find through this page, PLEASE!

What is PhishTank?

PhishTank is a collaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing on the Internet. Also, PhishTank provides an open API for developers and researchers to integrate anti-phishing data into their applications at no charge.


I found it very interesting because it allowed me to know how good opera's filter is (it's pretty darn good ;) ), and also to know exactly how this thing works.
I must say I'm impressed with the work some phishers put into these sites, some of them look really genuine!!

ps: image not linked on purpose, to avoid errors.

Best Text Editor / Vim: important usage tips
« on: December 06, 2006, 05:17 AM »
Well.. Recently i haven't been able to spend as much time here at DC as i'd like to. That's because i've had an humongous amount of work to do lately.
The up side on this, is that i've been intensively using VIM. This resulted in learning a few tricks, and making a few improvements on what already is possibly the best editor around.
So, i'd like to share them with you.

Actually, i won't share them all, they are too many, but i'll give you the best pointers :P
I started by making a google search about vimrc. It's vim's configuration and startup file, the place to put all your configs. The google link i mentioned was where i learned the most, because it had other people's vimrc files, and the big majority of them are very well commented, which is a big help in understanding what each of the commands does.
After, i found that there's a small url in vim's page that links to vim tips. It's amazing the quantity of fantastic stuff available there, not only on the topics itself but also on the comments. Be sure to search for the top rated first, as those are the most interesting advices, and some sum lots of topics into a single one. This will require that you know something about vim already, though. That's why i recomend you do the vim tutor first.

Well... That sums it up. I know it doesn't looks like much, but there's material for about 2-3 weeks worth of reading material ;)
I leave you with my vimrc file, with the options i consider most important. (awaiting editing to add the file)

my vimrc
"added by jgpaiva
syntax on

set hlsearch
set ignorecase smartcase
set incsearch
set infercase
set shiftwidth=3
set expandtab
set softtabstop=2
set wrap
set ruler
set foldcolumn=1
set smartindent
set backspace=2
set shiftwidth=2
set virtualedit=all
set wildmenu
set number
set hidden
set showbreak=\ +\
set mouse=ar
set showmatch
set gdefault
set fillchars=vert:\ ,fold:-
set foldenable " Turn on folding
set foldmethod=indent " Make folding indent sensitive
set foldlevel=100 " Don't autofold anything (but I can still fold manually)
set laststatus=2
set splitright
set viminfo=s1,<1024,'1024,/1024,:1024,@1024,f1,%
set showcmd
set nostartofline
set suffixes+=.out,.in
set showcmd

colorscheme asmanian2
imap <c-s>:update<BR>i<Right>
imap <F9> <esc>:update<BR>:make clean<BR>:make
imap <C-BS> <c-left>vboldi
inoremap <tab> <c-r>=InsertTabWrapper()<cr>
vmap <tab> >gv
vmap <s-tab> <gv
vmap <c-s>:update<BR>gv
nmap <F9> :update<BR>:make clean<BR>:make
nmap <c-s> :update
nmap <Space> <PageDown>
nmap <BS> <PageUp>
nmap <c-p> :bnext
nmap <c-n> :bprevious
nmap -cd :cd%:h<CR>
nmap -lcd :lcd%:h<CR>
nmap <c-f4> :bdel<cr>
nmap ð :cprev<CR>
nmap <c-tab> :tabnext<CR>
nmap <c-s-tab> :tabprev<CR>
nmap <C-J> gj
nmap <C-K> gk

"nmap :W :w
"set statusline=%f%m%r%h%w\ [%03l,%03v][%p%%]\ [LEN=%L]

if has('syntax') && (&t_Co > 2)
  syntax on

function InsertTabWrapper()
  let col = col('.') - 1
  if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
    return "\<tab>"
    return "\<c-p>"

No, i'm not talking about our beloved admin, mouser.

I'm talking about an ahk script made by Adam Pash , an editor of lifehacker.
It's about making a different way of controling the mouse through keyboard. It's quite smart for getting the mouse in places far away from the current, but i think it's a bit ennefective to move tho a place very near by.
Still, it's definitelly worth a look if now only for it's clever interface and for the good fun it provides. Here's the link:

I'm desperatelly needing help with school stuff. This particular class is taking loads of my time so i need your help on this one.

I just need to know if anybody knows a simple way to make a user interface. It can be anything, from an executable to a flash animation or even a web page. I just need to keep it simple and fast.

The interface is for a DVD renting machine with no database, just some static stuff. This means there's almost no need for variables and such, almost like a web page. Truth is that there are like 40 static screens (all of them follow a template), and i only have a few days to do it. (no, i didn't leave it to the last moment, that's the time they gave us)

So, i ask for your help. Can you tell me a good way to do it?

Here's the ones i've thought about:
  • Flash (although i know nothing about it and it looks like there's too much to learn and too litle time)
  • Html + Php (looks like the best option right no)
  • Cpp (using some kind of easy gui maker. Don't know anything about it, though)
  • Other programing languages, using easy gui makers. But i know of none like that.

I hope you can help me... Thanks!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / "Pong... Not just a game" - A true classic
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:42 AM »
Possibly most of you have already seen this flash movie, but for those who didn't, please see it now. It's incredibly well done and imaginative:

You can find it here

from stumbleupon

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