Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:09 AM »
Been a while! Oh I see a couple of peeps. are not so happy! No lies, at all, of course they are my websites, any person with the idiots guide to the internet, could have found that out. It's my hobby....I have more than those websites too.
I'm actually retired, well semi, and yes i am a branding specialist, but at the moment, I'm gathering data on a book, and yes, at the moment there is only one brand of vinegar, but as you can also see, i try not to advertise it, for a reason!
I know things that nobody else knows, because my in depth research is spot on, I don't take any sides, i search vinegars of quality, with proven facts, and when i say proven, I mean independant bio-chemistry reports...There are far too many vinegar makers, conning people.
At the end of my data gathering I will probably write a book, mostly on health and wellness, for fitness, because that is my interest. Not only that, I wll be producing my own brand label too!
So once again, there was no lies told, I just don't see any real benefits, of informing anyone what i do in my spare time. I am an export consultant, so what.... I also don't have the time to be on here every day, although i can see, that many do need answers to questions...
And to put it so bluntly, I thought this forum had a little more logical thinking, than most others, but nope, afraid not! OK lets take the simple Apple cider Vinegar, hands up, who thinks amino acids comes from fruits! Mmmm well done. The process of fermentation of vinegar is a natural fermentation process, no brewers yeast, the mother vinegar kick starts the process.
The only thing to know about vinegars, is that a vinegar fermented with fruit, is better than a vinegar, with added fruit juice.
Sorghum is used as a base, to get the full benefits of the Amino acids, normally black rice or brown rice, both aged over time become mellow enough to drink in the vinegar state, but if fermented with fruit, the health benefits are increased. Apple cider doesn't have amino acids unless they have added sorghum rice grains.
So you have 18 aminos, plus the normal fermentation of the citric acid cycle, krebs cycle, with 8 acids or enzymes....no matter what vinegar, you will always have the basic krebs cycle acids, but not the aminos, there are of course many other micronutrients.
Balsamic is the most beneficial but like i said, you cannot drink and enjoy. a little on food is OK. Bio chemists are changing all this...
Brands for drinking, well if you look on youtube, they have had just about all the brands of vinegars they could find in the west, but not a drinking vinegar. And for the guy, that suggested drinking vinegar is two words, well full marks to him, I have a seven year old daughter that spotted that
So you think drinkingvinegar is a key word, for SEO what does that tell you, you are smart
, I'll bet my bottom $ 95% of the forum could figure that one out. But it's a shame you are chasing up the wrong tree, doctor watson, with egg on your face. Although I'll forgive you 
Such an intelligent bunch on here, but you will never make a good businessman, if you think I was attempting to advertise, if you think i could survive on this forum, or any other forum, so all of a sudden, the intelligence level is signified with a halo, and a cabbage, not all of you of course! Just the pink panther, and he's just as funny
Have you any idea what it would cost to send vinegar in the post
Oh well. I'm off again, hang in there guys and don't work too hard, quite a few of you need to use your skills, on vinegar research, I think!
I'm actually retired, well semi, and yes i am a branding specialist, but at the moment, I'm gathering data on a book, and yes, at the moment there is only one brand of vinegar, but as you can also see, i try not to advertise it, for a reason!
I know things that nobody else knows, because my in depth research is spot on, I don't take any sides, i search vinegars of quality, with proven facts, and when i say proven, I mean independant bio-chemistry reports...There are far too many vinegar makers, conning people.
At the end of my data gathering I will probably write a book, mostly on health and wellness, for fitness, because that is my interest. Not only that, I wll be producing my own brand label too!
So once again, there was no lies told, I just don't see any real benefits, of informing anyone what i do in my spare time. I am an export consultant, so what.... I also don't have the time to be on here every day, although i can see, that many do need answers to questions...
And to put it so bluntly, I thought this forum had a little more logical thinking, than most others, but nope, afraid not! OK lets take the simple Apple cider Vinegar, hands up, who thinks amino acids comes from fruits! Mmmm well done. The process of fermentation of vinegar is a natural fermentation process, no brewers yeast, the mother vinegar kick starts the process.
The only thing to know about vinegars, is that a vinegar fermented with fruit, is better than a vinegar, with added fruit juice.
Sorghum is used as a base, to get the full benefits of the Amino acids, normally black rice or brown rice, both aged over time become mellow enough to drink in the vinegar state, but if fermented with fruit, the health benefits are increased. Apple cider doesn't have amino acids unless they have added sorghum rice grains.
So you have 18 aminos, plus the normal fermentation of the citric acid cycle, krebs cycle, with 8 acids or enzymes....no matter what vinegar, you will always have the basic krebs cycle acids, but not the aminos, there are of course many other micronutrients.
Balsamic is the most beneficial but like i said, you cannot drink and enjoy. a little on food is OK. Bio chemists are changing all this...
Brands for drinking, well if you look on youtube, they have had just about all the brands of vinegars they could find in the west, but not a drinking vinegar. And for the guy, that suggested drinking vinegar is two words, well full marks to him, I have a seven year old daughter that spotted that

So you think drinkingvinegar is a key word, for SEO what does that tell you, you are smart

Such an intelligent bunch on here, but you will never make a good businessman, if you think I was attempting to advertise, if you think i could survive on this forum, or any other forum, so all of a sudden, the intelligence level is signified with a halo, and a cabbage, not all of you of course! Just the pink panther, and he's just as funny

Have you any idea what it would cost to send vinegar in the post

Oh well. I'm off again, hang in there guys and don't work too hard, quite a few of you need to use your skills, on vinegar research, I think!