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Messages - drinkingvinegar [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:09 AM »
Been a while! Oh I see a couple of peeps. are not so happy! No lies, at all, of course they are my websites, any person with the idiots guide to the internet, could have found that out. It's my hobby....I have more than those websites too.

I'm actually retired, well semi, and yes i am a branding specialist, but at the moment, I'm gathering data on a book, and yes, at the moment there is only one brand of vinegar, but as you can also see, i try not to advertise it, for a reason! 

I know things that nobody else knows, because my in depth research is spot on, I don't take any sides, i search vinegars of quality, with proven facts, and when i say proven, I  mean independant bio-chemistry reports...There are far too many vinegar makers, conning people.

At the end of my data gathering I will probably write a book, mostly on health and wellness, for fitness, because that is my interest. Not only that, I wll be producing my own brand label too! 

So once again, there was no lies told, I just don't see any real benefits, of informing anyone what i do in my spare time.  I am an export consultant, so what.... I also don't have the time to be on here every day, although i can see, that many do need answers to questions...

And to put it so bluntly, I thought this forum had a little more logical thinking, than most others, but nope, afraid not!   OK lets take the simple Apple cider Vinegar, hands up, who thinks amino acids comes from fruits! Mmmm well done. The  process of fermentation of vinegar is a natural fermentation process, no brewers yeast, the mother vinegar kick starts the process.

The only thing to know about vinegars, is that a vinegar fermented with fruit, is better than a vinegar, with added fruit juice.

Sorghum is used as a base, to get the full benefits of the Amino acids, normally black rice or brown rice, both aged over time become mellow enough to drink in the vinegar state, but if fermented with fruit, the health benefits are increased. Apple cider doesn't have amino acids unless they have added sorghum rice grains.

So you have 18 aminos, plus the normal fermentation of the citric acid cycle, krebs cycle, with 8 acids or matter what vinegar, you will always have the basic krebs cycle acids, but not the aminos, there are of course many other micronutrients.

Balsamic is the most beneficial but like i said, you cannot drink and enjoy. a little on food is OK. Bio chemists are changing all this...

Brands for drinking, well if you look on youtube, they have had just about all the brands of vinegars they could find in the west, but not a drinking vinegar.  And for the guy, that suggested drinking vinegar is two words, well full marks to him, I have a seven year old daughter that spotted that ;D.

So you think drinkingvinegar is a key word, for SEO what does that tell you, you are smart ;D, I'll bet my bottom $ 95% of the forum could figure that one out. But it's a shame you are chasing up the wrong tree, doctor watson, with egg on your face. Although I'll forgive you :D

Such an intelligent bunch on here, but you will never make a good businessman, if you think I was attempting to advertise, if you think i could survive on this forum, or any other forum, so all of a sudden, the intelligence level is signified with a halo, and a cabbage, not all of you of course! Just the pink panther, and he's just as funny :D

Have you any idea what it would cost to send vinegar in the post :o

Oh well. I'm off again, hang in there guys and don't work too hard, quite a few of you need to use your skills, on vinegar research, I think! 8)

Hi everyone!

I'm drinkingvinegar,  8) new member that only fell into the forum, because of the drinkingvinegar thread! I thought I would share my knowledge of drinking vinegars with you all.

I'm British, although i left the UK over 40 years ago, just blowing with the wind, lived in Germany, Greece, Denmark for 23 years, then on to China, Taiwan and the last 4 years in Singapore often returning to Europe.

Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 07, 2008, 01:57 PM »
Why was my post deleted?
-drinkingvinegar (June 07, 2008, 01:14 PM)


Thanks, I found it eventually, it takes a little time finding the way around the forum!

Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 07, 2008, 01:14 PM »
Question: What's your relation to Chung Hwa? and

what has that got to do with drinkingvinegar, It was pretty obvious to see, that you guys don't have a clue of drinking vinegar, and I do, simply because i drink it everyday, and have done the research on vinegar... I am not suggesting any form of brand, i have simply pointed you all in the right direction about chosing vinegars for drinking, and the reasons why....I personally couldn't careless about brand names....what i do care about is being ripped off financially by all the con artists, that are attempting to sell vinegar drinks....

The biggest con of all, is the so called fresh fruit stalls...that actually show fresh fruit, but only grind half an apple or a portion of fruit, and fill it up with ice and water, calling it 100% natural....they don't tell you, they added 20ml of syrup in, which gives it the tastes and sugars, and a vinegar drink, would be a quick squirt of rice vinegar, into the juice, and charge you a premium price with no real health benefits, from fermentation.

Not only that, you guys are probably on the other side of the world, scratching your heads, wondering what the hell drinking vinegar is all about, clueless, like the guy, that believes the vinegar taste on the tongue, would be enough to make him puke! Just look on youtube at all the idiots, drinking vinegar because they have heard of benefits of health, and are dumb enough to drink food vinegars with higher acetic acid content, which can actually burn the throat!

Why should you all care what my relationship is to any of those companies? This is about information and don't believe me, why don't you all look up, metabolism on wikipedia and see the listed acids that open up the pathways of the metabolism, there are 10!  And if you check the 18 amino acids on wikipedia, you will also gain some knowledge of health benefits of each one of them....all you have to do then is find a vinegar, that meets the requirements, and is a beverage too, so you can enjoy the refreshing tangy taste that has been around for hundreds of years.

Also look up red yeast rice on wikipedia, which is also used for vinegar, and you will see, it is a listed drug in the USA, because the US stole the patents for stints, from traditional chinese medicine recipes, for the reduction of cholesterol. Facts facts and more facts! yes i do understand and speak chinese and have a interest in traditional chinese medicine too.

Specially brewed vinegars for health can be used for mixing cocktails, add in yoghurt or milk, even make jellies with them, or topping on ice cream....surprising what you can learn, if you have an interest, isn't it!

I will say I do not have a direct link to any of the companies, and I  do not work for them at all, but i am actually collecting data, for a drinking vinegar book, which maybe published at the end of the year, but mostly to do with health and energy for sport, the other major factor is, that my passion of vinegar drinking, will lead to my own brand label within another year, after all, i have done the research and know, what the people want, for their money, and that is value and benefits.
Take a look at the ingredients of gatorade and any other beverage on the market and check for E211 preservative also known as sodium benzoate and read this link, you can read about the crap that your consuming:


I have no idea where you guys are, but drinking vinegars are not really available in the west yet! But they will be eventually. Happy healthy lifestyle! The vinegarman

Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 07, 2008, 05:08 AM »
Hello Everyone!

I couldn't resist the subject on drinking vinegar!

I am your man, the vinegarman, the connoisseur of drinking vinegar, I have tried many Japanese, and Taiwanese drinks, before, I started my research on one brand! You may think why I chose, the brand, well to be honest it offered the most beneficial health benefits.

Many japanese Vinegars claim to be the best and charge a premium price, although it is actually a myth, the best quality vinegar of all, is the Balsamic vinegars, from where they originate, however, you cannot drink them, they are purely for foods, kitchens, ect!

My testing on the brand over a 9 month period, was for specific sports, and athletic interest, I have been a fanatic athlete in over 40 years, and knowing my weightloss capabilities, when training, I could apply, this knowledge for testing of vinegar....
No vinegar, i can lose half kg a week when running...drinking vinegar and doing the same run, I can lose 1kg per week....

Drink vinegar and no run, no significant loss over 8 weeks! The myth of drink vinegar and lose weight is busted, however I proved, it does, improve the metabolic cycle, once the metabolism is kick started. So yes you can lose more weight by drink vinegar, because it does optimize the metabolic pathways, and is relevant for ATP production, if fatigued, because of all the acids in the drinking vinegar.... Like i say not all vinegars. The Japanese vinegars appear to be less superior, than the brand i tested, because they mix the fruit juice into the vinegar after the vinegar fermentation process is finished.

The brand I chose, ferments the fresh fruit juice at the beginning of the process, the base ingredient is glutinous brown rice, which contains 18 amino acids, and all the krebs cycle acids too. So obviously, you are getting a 5 star rated fuel, that produces ATP, so when fatigue is felt, it's because ATP is depleted, drinking vinegar will provide the right mixture of acids, for synthesis. Its highly refreshing and energy giving, not only that, my monthly blood tests, revealed a consistent reduction in cholesterol and blood sugar.

Drinking vinegar takes the strain off the liver, by attacking carbs, that are consumed, reducing blood sugar spikes, it will give a feeling of satiety, and release the fuel, glucose slowly into the blood, so your endurance is increased significantly.

I drink a liter a day when not training and probably 2 liters on training days. The vinegars I chose are specially brewed for drinking by agricultural chemists, they have used biotech to develop the mother vinegar, to take the vinegar taste away, so what you have is a fantastic beverage of fermented fruits and brown rice....rice also being a more mellow taste, than western vinegars, with age, it becomes even more mellow.

For more information, you should really contact me at and my blog on vinegars...I will be adding more vinegars soon, but basically, specially brewed vinegars are for health,, to get a real good one, is difficult, without knowledge, of how it should be brewed.

Apple cider vinegar for example is very poor when compared, because their is no amino acids at all, in apple cider vinegar, and the fruit compared to plum, and other chosen fruits, apple is rated the worst for health i say, the industry is booming because of bio-tech and chinese traditional medicine, fruits are chosen for there specific health benefits. Vinegar balances the body pH value to help maintain health and will reduce the free radicals, that cause cancers, there is plenty of research on the internet with facts, but its very important to know the acids the vinegar produces. Vinegar is not acetic acid, by the way, Vinegar is a product of acetic acid and will dilute, when consumed, acting as a neutraliser of acid, and alkaline. because the vinegars have a higher pH than stomach acid, and a lower one than alkaline.

So it balances the body, when the wrong diet is eaten.

Hope you find this post informative.

It's true to say many laymen haven't a clue about vinegars and are completely ignorant and stupid, to think vinegar for foods is the same as drinking vinegars, there are 3 kinds of vinegars, that can be thought of, and that is brewed vinegar, the best,  mixed vinegar, synthetic and brewed and lastly synthetic vinegar, which is the worst....distilled vinegar doesn't have any health benefits at all, that is why it is distilled.

All vinegars are made in the same way wine is made, it is fermented until all the alcohol is gone, the only difference with health is, that fresh fruit juice must be fermented to get the increase in bio organic activity of bacteria, to be of any good. Drinking health vinegars can be also very expensive, the process takes much longer than any normal beverage, the plus, is that they do not go flat or lose taste so quickly, and will be the same after a year or 2. They are preservatives, also for the body, and reduce ageing too! leave your email address for more info on the website.

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